Just how pointy does a rocket's nosecone need to be?
Nov 27, 2011 · The Wikipedia nose cone design article that Hobbes links mentions that conic tips are often chosen for ease of manufacture over more complex shapes, and this was probably …
What are the pros and cons of Aerospike nosecones?
Apr 15, 2019 · $\begingroup$ The round nosecone that the aerospike sticks out of is not the reentry body, so your sentence "Adding an aerospike to a big, round nosecone is a great …
Nose cone of Dragon 2 closes only after deorbit burn
The nose cone for crew dragon protects not only the docking port but four forward Draco thrusters and the star tracker too. It has similar function to the Dragon v1 GNC bay door by protecting …
Why was the nose cone on the Space Shuttle's external tank pointy?
The original External Tank nose cone design was indeed blunt - almost like a fireplug, as seen in this 1975 concept art. [Image source - lost in the mists of time to me, but NASA somewhere] …
Simulating the thermal heating of a nose cone exiting an …
$\begingroup$ You also need to account for shockwaves generated by the nose cone. Can you give us a more specific question as heating also has to do with Mach number and mass as …
Why are the nose cones of current spacecraft less pointy?
In particular, IIRC, when you create a smooth flow along a smooth slope of the nose, it creates a vacuum area after the nose straightens out into the main hull. This vacuum was known to …
Why not jettison the nose-cone from Falcon Heavy side boosters …
Feb 7, 2018 · throwing away the nose cones, and adding another separation event, making sure the nose cone doesn't hit the stage after separation, etc. This seems to me to be the more …
Would Dragon reenter safely if the nose cone stayed open?
Aug 2, 2020 · There is a way to manually eject the nose cone, which is what would be done in such a situation. Presumably this would limit reuse and increase the risk, but not ultimately be …
How hot do the nose cones of fairings actually get on ascent?
Sep 3, 2021 · Source: Centaur/Surveyor nose fairing aerodynamic heating investigation. Share. Improve this answer ...
Measurement and estimation of temperature of Space Shuttle …
Aug 21, 2021 · During the launch and re-entry of the Space Shuttle, what are the measured and estimated temperatures (or distribution) of the shuttle nose cone as a function of altitude? How …