genesis - What's the significance of the number 70? - Biblical ...
Jan 27, 2021 · The Number 70. The number seventy represents heavenly and earthly perfection, the number 70 represents multiple of 7X10. The number 10 denotes fullness, hence the 10 plagues express God's Judgment on Egypt. The "Ten Words"(Commandments), the beast with the Ten horns, Daniel 7: 20,24.
Did 70 or 75 people go down to Egypt with Jacob?
Sep 29, 2016 · 5. Onan were excluded but Jacob was included (70-5+1=66). In Gen. 46:27, it is exact in citing 70 went "with Jacob" which means that Jacob was excluded in the counting and the wives (Jacob's and 12 sons). In the book of Acts 7:14 it is counted 75. How can it be? Stephen possibly counted 1. Leah, 2. Bilhah, 3. Zilphah, 4. Dinah (daughter of ...
Reason for using 66 and then 70 - Biblical Hermeneutics Stack …
Jan 17, 2021 · The difference is rather simple - the total family of Jacob was 70 people. Joseph had two children + Jacob himself were obviously four people. Therefore, we have: (a) 66 people other than Joseph's family and Jacob + (b) four people of Joseph's family + Jacob = 70 people in total. Note the difference in the carefully worded sentences:
Why is there numerical ambiguity in Matthew 18:21-22?
The use of numbers in scripture is often symbolic. The number seven itself frequently represents completeness or perfection. Thus, "seventy times seven" could be interpreted symbolically as an inexhaustible, limitless number. The precise numerical value becomes less important than its symbolic representation of boundless forgiveness.
What was the significance of the daily decrease of the number of …
Aug 8, 2019 · The number 70 has significance from Gen. 46:8-27, and Ex. 1:1-5. "26 All the souls that came with Jacob into Egypt, which came out of his loins, besides Jacob's sons' wives, all the souls were threescore and six;
chronology - Why did Daniel interpret the 70 years of Babylonian ...
May 29, 2021 · the number of the years which was revealed as the word of the Lord to Jeremiah the prophet for the completion of the desolations of Jerusalem, namely seventy years." Dan, 9:1,2 [NASB] To obtain a more complete answer to your question, please see the following link and my answer here to a related question.
What was the number of Israelites that left Eygpt?
Mar 20, 2024 · In Numbers 1, a census is recorded with the number of people being 603,550. A second census recorded in Numbers 26(after the 40 year period)with the number of people being 601,730. This was only the adult men, the whole number of people including women and children would be around 2 million! Yet in Deuteronomy 7:7 it says
deuteronomy - Humankind divided up among the gods? - Biblical ...
Rashi - according to the number of the children of Israel: [God let man remain in existence] for the sake of a [small] number of the children of Israel who were destined to descend from the children of Shem, and [the sake of] the number of the seventy souls of the children of Israel who went down to Egypt, He “set up the boundaries of peoples ...
In Jeremiah 25:11 are the seventy years literal?
When 70 years are counted using only the weekly Sabbaths adding a Sabbath every seventh year, the total number of days at the end of 70-years is 25,550, which is 17.5 days short of 70-years calculated using a 365.25 day solar cycle.
prophecy - Has Isaiah 4:1 been fulfillled? - Biblical Hermeneutics ...
Sep 29, 2021 · 70 Year Babylonian Captivity. Although this is a much disputed time frame, we are indeed at least informed as to when the 70 years ended and that was in the first year of Darius the son of Ahasuerus, of Median descent.