Works by O. Keel - PhilPapers
Gods, Goddesses, and Images of God In Ancient Israel. Othmar Keel & Christoph Uehlinger - 1998. The Symbolism of the Biblical World. Ancient Near Eastern Iconography and the Book of Psalms. Othmar Keel & T. J. Hallett - 1978. Warum im Jerusalemer Tempel kein anthropomorphes Kultbild gestanden haben dürfte.
The Symbolism of the Biblical World - Google Books
When Othmar Keel's book first appeared in Germany in 1972, it was a pioneering study, the first to compare systematically the conceptual world of a biblical book with that of ancient Near Eastern...
Introduction: Othmar Keel, Iconography, and the Old Testament
In order to fully appreciate the contributions of Othmar Keel, one must set him and his work in context. Prior to Keel, there were, of course, archaeologists at work throughout the ancient Near East, as well as art historians who specialized in the
Early History of God: Yahweh and the Other Deities in Ancient Israel ...
At the forefront of this effort has been O. Keel and C. Uehlinger's important iconographic work in their book, Gods, Goddesses and Images of God, and in Keel's 1998 Goddesses and Trees, New Moon and Yahweh.103
[PDF] The Symbolism of the Biblical World: Ancient Near Eastern ...
Research on the different records of Sennacherib's campaign in Judah in 701 BC has focused mainly on the historicity of the various texts. In contrast, this article focuses on the ideology of each of…
哦,船长,我的船长! - 百度百科
诗人接连用了两个“o”,表达自己心灵强烈地被震撼以及难以言表的悲恸。 而第一节中的最后一句话——“他已倒下,已死去,已冷却”(Fallen cold and dead)——让前面锣鼓喧天、彩旗飘扬、人声鼎沸的欢腾场景瞬间降到了零点,冷冷地揭示了从大喜到大悲的无 ...
Die Welt der altorientalischen Bildsymbolik und des Alte …
Jul 15, 2022 · Access-restricted-item true Addeddate 2022-07-15 19:02:17 Autocrop_version 0.0.14_books-20220331-0.2 Bookplateleaf
(PDF) Keel, Othmar & Uehlinger, Christoph: Göttinnen, Götter und ...
Auflage, in: Keel, Othmar/Uehlinger Christoph, GGG – Göttinnen, Götter und Gottessymbole. Neue Erkenntnisse zur Religionsgeschichte Kanaans und Israels aufgrund bislang unerschlossener ikonogra-phischer Quellen, Fribourg 2010, 565-592 (=V.IRAT II-1) Ziel der Publikation ist die Darstellung der Rezeptionsgeschichte des Standardwerkes von ...
Even O. Keel - Journal
Six million dollars exchange hands, and somewhere, in a forgotten corner of the same earth, a mother trades her dignity for a loaf of bread. The juxtaposition burns—a fruit elevated to opulence; a child left to hunger. Such is the theater of wealth in a world unraveling. The image persists, haunting in its absurdity.
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トピックス. 出演:錦織一清 ntv「ヒルナンデス!」(3月7日11時55分) 出演:中村まゆみ ふくふくや 第22回公演 「大串枠子の日常」(4月11日~20日)