Practice final exam (solutions) ANU-SDU: ODE, 2022 Instructor: Noah White Date: 2022 • This exam has 5 questions, for a total of 39 points. • Please print your working and answers neatly. • Write your solutions in the space provided showing working. • If you need more space, use the page at the back and indicate this clearly. Name: ID ...
Final Exam | Differential Equations | Mathematics - MIT OpenCourseWare
This section provides a final exam on differential equations, exam solutions, and a practice exam.
What is the definition of a differential equation? A differential equation is an equation that relates a function and its derivatives. It draws a relationship between the values of the function and the various orders at which the function is changing (its rate of change, the rate at which its rate of change is changing, etc). 2.
We observe that x(t) 0 is solution to the ODE. By the uniqueness part of Cauchy- Lipschitz theorem, any solution that vanishes for a certain time must thus be the zero
Differential Equations - Exams
Exam 1 (First and second order ODE (not including nonhomogeneous second order ODE))
Practice final exam ANU-SDU: ODE, 2022 Instructor: Noah White Date: 2022 • This exam has 5 questions, for a total of 39 points. • Please print your working and answers neatly. • Write your solutions in the space provided showing working. • If you need more space, use the page at the back and indicate this clearly. Name: ID number:
There is a table of Laplace transforms, trigonometric identities and some useful integral formulas on the back page. This exam is closed book. You may not use notes, or other external resource. You may use calculators. It is a violation of the honor code to give or receive help on this exam.
Differential Equations Final Exam Practice Solutions 1. A tank originally contains 10 gal of water with 1/2 lb of salt in solution. Water containing a salt concentration of 1 200 (10−t)2(sin(t)+1) lb per gallon flows into the tank at a rate of 1 gal/ min, and the mixture is allowed to flow out of the tank at a rate of 2 gal/ min.
MIT18_03SCF11_prfinal.pdf - MIT OpenCourseWare
Freely sharing knowledge with learners and educators around the world. Learn more. This resource contains practice final exam.
Math 2403: ODE Final Exam (practice): July 18, 2011 First Order Equations and Systems, Second Order Equations, Laplace Transform Methods No calculators, notes, or other aids are allowed. You may use pen or pencil, scratch paper and what you know. Write clearly and neatly; no credit will be given for illegible or messy answers.