Generic Action API | One Crayon
Special notes: both prefix_selection and suffix_selection may be true to surround the selection; if the selection is empty, however, only one copy will be inserted. insert_url_snippet Replaces selected text in a snippet that has access to the URL on the clipboard.
TapNote - One Crayon
TapNote: now for TouchPad! TapNote now runs on all webOS devices, allowing you to purchase it once and use it anywhere. TapNote for HP webOS eschews clutter and complexity to make writing a joy:
Python Utility Functions Module | One Crayon
Shortcut function to snag the first selection in the document; guaranteed to be at least one because the cursor is a range. Returns NSRange get_selection context (TextAction context), range (NSRange)
Websites - One Crayon
Websites, from concept to completion. Elegant designs. Squeaky-clean markup and pixel-perfect attention to detail. User-friendly content management systems powered by WordPress or ExpressionEngine.Friendly training and support.
Overriding Scripts | One Crayon
If it finds an identically named script at one of the earlier paths, it will use it instead of whatever might live further down the search tree, allowing you to override bundled scripts. XML changes
Miscellaneous Modules | One Crayon
Miscellaneous Modules. TEA for Espresso contains several modules that you are unlikely to ever need to access directly, but are nonetheless available.
Shell Scripts - One Crayon
Shell Scripts. TEA allows you to create custom Text Editor Actions using any language that can be run from the Mac OS X command line (which incidentally means it’s pretty simple to port Textmate bundle actions to Espresso).
text_recipe.js | One Crayon
If no undo_name is passed, the recipe will automatically use the undo_name provided by the XML action definition (if one exists). var TextRecipe = require('text_recipe').TextRecipe; var recipe = new TextRecipe('Awesome Action'); insert(string, rangeOrIndex[, insertAfterRange])
TEA for Espresso | One Crayon
Dec 14, 2009 · source code. TEA for Espresso is free and open source.It is bundled with Espresso, so there is nothing to install. This minisite is left online for historical purposes and Espresso 1 users.
About - One Crayon
Nov 9, 2020 · About me. My name is Ian Beck, and I am a writer, designer, and developer. I am primarily interested in fiction, original web content, and Mac OS X software and have been participating in these topics on the web since 1998.