Open AIR
Open AIR, a 501 c 3 nonprofit, is best known for its unique place-based Artist-in-Residence program that connects artists from all disciplines and origins, with culturally, historically, and ecologically significant locations through collaborative partnerships in Montana.
Residency Information - Open AIR
Open AIR provides placed-based Artist-in-Residence at inspiring locations across Montana. Read this page to learn more about our unique program and opportunities.
Annual Art Auction & Fundraiser — Open AIR
From infinite texts, free access to knowledge sharing, and an inspiring ‘culture house’ model, Open AIR is excited to host our Annual Fundraiser at the award-winning Missoula Public Library on November 3rd, 2023.
Events Calendar - Open AIR
About: Open AIR presents our first Butte Arts Conference, a day-long event celebrating art and the environment at the Historic Clark Chateau. This Conference will feature Open AIR Arists-in-Residence from sites in Butte, Philipsburg, and Deer Lodge.
Open AIR — Open AIR
Open AIR. Open AIR is a place-based Artist-in-Residence program that connects artists and the community with unique sites in Montana.
Open AIR — Open AIR
Open AIR is best known for its unique place-based Artist-in-Residence program that connects artists from all disciplines and origins, with culturally, historically, and ecologically significant locations through collaborative partnerships in Montana.
Residency Opportunities - Open AIR
Open AIR programming takes place in the territories and traditional homelands of the Salish, Pend d’Oreille, Blackfeet, Kootenai, and Kalispel Peoples. We wish to honor the many generations that have been in close relationship with this region that so many of …
Butte, Montana - Open AIR
Apply for an Open AIR Artist-in-Residence in Montana’s historic mining country!
Exhibitions - Open AIR
An exhibition featuring works of art and literature by three Open AIR artists-in-residence at American Prairie.
Indigenous Art, Indigenous Minds: Conversation — Open AIR
Jun 8, 2023 · Indigenous Art, Indigenous Minds: Conversation! The conversation will happen on Thursday, June 8, 2023, at Noon. The event is online and free! The discussion topic will be Making a Living as an Artist. Everyone is welcome to contribute to the online conversation, where we will dive into topics