OpenGL - Examples
Example for PC game developers to show how to combine texturing, reflections, and projected shadows all in real-time with OpenGL. Robust reflections use stenciling. Robust projected shadows use both stenciling and polygon offset.
OpenGL Basics - Samples
Code Samples released by SGI with the OpenGL 1.1 distribution in 1997. These are very useful for beginning OpenGL coding and learning OpenGL program structure. Advanced rendering and later extensions are not covered in these examples.
OpenGL Examples - Loyola Marymount University
Here are some OpenGL example programs, presented in an order in which new topics are added in each successive example. Many of these are modifications of programs in the OpenGL Red Book.
More Samples - OpenGL
OpenGL More Code Samples. Code Samples released by SGI with the OpenGL 1.1 distribution in 1997. These are very useful for beginning OpenGL coding and learning OpenGL program structure. Advanced rendering and later extensions are not covered in these examples.
GitHub - damdoy/opengl_examples: Collection of examples for OpenGL …
Collection of examples for OpenGL: Perlin noise, ambient occlusion, shadow mapping, water reflection and others
GitHub - g-truc/ogl-samples: The OpenGL Samples Pack
Generalized pipeline and uniform buffer for OpenGL 4.2 samples; Fixed dynamic uniform variable use for sampler array and uniform block array; Tessellation without control shader
OpenGL ES C++ examples - GitHub
A comprehensive collection of open source C++ examples for OpenGL ES 3.1 which is from Khronos.
OpenGL Samples - NVIDIA Documentation Hub
The OpenGL Graphics and Compute Samples pack is a resource for cross-platform OpenGL 4 (GL4) and OpenGL ES 2 and 3 (ES2 and ES3) development, targeting Android, Windows, and Linux (x86/x64 and Linux for Tegra). The samples run on all four target platforms from a …
OpenGL Samples Pack
Sep 14, 2004 · The OpenGL Samples Pack is a collection of OpenGL samples based on the OpenGL "core profile" specifications. The project aims to promote the new OpenGL features making easier version transitions for OpenGL programmers with a complementary documentation for the OpenGL specification.
Example Code - OpenGL Wiki - The Khronos Group
Jan 12, 2018 · This is a list of all of the significant example code used throughout the wiki. This example code shows how to create a 2D array texture. GLuint texture = 0; GLsizei width = 2; GLsizei height = 2; GLsizei layerCount = 2; GLsizei mipLevelCount = 1; // Read you texels here.