Oraesia excavata - Wikipedia
Oraesia excavata is a species of moth of the family Erebidae first described by Arthur Gardiner Butler in 1878. [1] It is found in Japan, Korea, China, Thailand and Taiwan and has recently been recorded from Hawaii. [2] Adults are orange and mimic a dead leaf.
A New Record of the Fruit Piercing Moth Oraesia excavata
Mar 1, 2011 · Electroantennographic responses and field attraction to peach fruit odors in the fruit-piercing moth, Oraesia excavata (Butler) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae). Applied Entomology and Zoology 43(2): 265–269.
A NEW RECORD OF THE FRUIT PIERCING MOTH ORAESIA EXCAVATA (BUTLER) (EREBIDAE: CALPINAE: CALPINI) FOR HAWAII AND THE UNITED STATES Additional key words: Asia, Pacific, peach, pear, orchard pest, Menispermaceae In November 2009, an exotic fruit piercing moth was collected at an elevation of 1125 m in Kula, Maui,
Fruit-piercing moth (Oraesia excavata) - Picture Insect
Oraesia excavata is a species of moth of the family Erebidae first described by Arthur Gardiner Butler in 1878. It is found in Japan, Korea, China, Thailand and Taiwan and has recently been recorded from Hawaii. Adults are orange and mimic a dead leaf.
鸟嘴壶夜蛾 Oraesia excavata – IISDW - Insecta Integration
鸟嘴壶夜蛾 Oraesia excavata 标签 : 目夜蛾科 Erebidae , 嘴壶夜蛾属 Oraesia Post category: IISDW Species (标本库种类) / Indo-Malayan Realm (东洋界)
アカエグリバ Oraesia excavata (Butler, 1878) - jpmoth.org
科:ヤガ科 (Noctuidae) (エグリバ類) (Calpinae) 属: Oraesia Guenée, 1852. 【分布】 本州,伊豆諸島八丈島,小笠原,四国,九州,対馬,屋久島;中国,朝鮮. 【本州四国九州における記録確認済都府県名】 佐渡島,石川,愛知,三重,福井,富山,神奈川,千葉,岐阜,佐賀. 【成虫出現月】 4-11, (2:掲示板情報) 【幼虫食餌植物】 ツヅラフジ科:アオツヅラフジ (※KD) 【掲示板から一言】 【成虫写真2】は12月30日撮影。 【成虫写真4】は、2004年3月28日、南紀にて。 【成虫写真5】は2004年7 …
Oraesia excavata (Butler, 1878) - GBIF
Oraesia excavata (Butler, 1878) in The Biodiversity Committee of Chinese Academy of Sciences (2023). Catalogue of Life China: 2022 Annual Checklist. Version 1.1. Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS). Checklist dataset https://doi.org/10.15468/nwt6bh accessed via …
Fruit-piercing moth (Oraesia excavata) - iNaturalist
Oraesia excavata is a species of moth of the family Noctuidae. It is found in Japan, Korea, China, Thailand and Taiwan and has recently been recorded from Hawaii. Most organisms interact …
Oraesia excavata - Wikiwand
Oraesia excavata is a species of moth of the family Erebidae first described by Arthur Gardiner Butler in 1878. It is found in Japan, Korea, China, Thailand and...
Oraesia excavata (fruit piercing moth) | CABI Compendium
Dec 10, 2020 · This datasheet on Oraesia excavata covers Identity, Distribution, Hosts/Species Affected, Diagnosis, Further Information.