Vanth (moon) - Wikipedia
Vanth (formal designation (90482) Orcus I; provisional designation S/2005 (90482) 1) is a natural satellite or moon of the large trans-Neptunian dwarf planet Orcus. It was discovered by …
Orcus (dwarf planet) - Wikipedia
Orcus (minor-planet designation: 90482 Orcus) is a dwarf planet located in the Kuiper belt, with one large moon, Vanth. [7] It has an estimated diameter of 870 to 960 km (540 to 600 mi), …
Orcus and Vanth | The Planetary Society
Orcus, if you haven't heard of it before, is probably the seventh largest known trans-Neptunian object, and Vanth is its satellite. Here's the weird thing I just found out about Orcus and Vanth …
Orcus - The Solar System Wiki
90482 Orcus is a trans-Neptunian dwarf planet with a large moon, Vanth. It has a diameter of 870 to 960 km (540 to 600 mi), the size of or somewhat smaller than the asteroid and dwarf planet …
(90482) Orcus and Vanth - Johnston's Archive
May 27, 2019 · Primary discovered 2004 Feb 17 from Palomar Observatory, California, USA by M. E. Brown, C. A. Trujillo, and D. L. Rabinowitz. Alternate designation (s): 2004 DW . Linked …
Vanth | The Solar System Wiki | Fandom
Vanth, full designation (90482) Orcus I Vanth, is the single known natural satellite of the plutino and likely dwarf planet 90482 Orcus. With a diameter of about 440 km, it is half the size of …
Orcus and Vanth - RobertLovesPi.net
Jun 10, 2015 · The Orcus/Vanth binary system is sometimes referred to as the “anti-Pluto,” because, unlike most “plutinos” (as such distant objects, in orbital resonance with Neptune, …
The size, density, and formation of the Orcus-Vanth system in the ...
The Kuiper Belt object (KBO) Orcus and its satellite Vanth form an unusual system in the Kuiper Belt. While most large KBOs have small satellites in circular orbits and smaller KBOs and their …
Here, we characterize the physical and orbital characteristics of the Orcus–Vanth system in an attempt to distinguish discuss possible formation scenarios.
Vanth | Moon of Dwarf Planet Orcus | GO ASTRONOMY
Vanth moon. Vanth is the single moon of dwarf planet Orcus in the Kuiper Belt. Here is the best image of Vanth and Orcus: