Ordtek | UXO Specialists | Independent Unexploded Ordnance …
Feb 10, 2025 · Our proprietary approach to addressing unexploded ordnance (UXO) risk employs an intelligent blend of risk management and geoscience techniques to assess and mitigate the risks posed to development.
Ordtek | UXO Specialists - Marine-Based Projects
Reducing the UXO Risk to ALARP. Based upon the findings of the risk assessment, we will provide strategic options for reducing the UXO risk to ALARP.
Ordtek | UXO Specialists - Land-Based Projects
Procedures are outlined on how the site-specific UXO risk can be reduced to ALARP across the whole lifecycle of the project and identifying any residual risks that may remain. The risk mitigation section will advise a scope that is both relevant to the magnitude of work planned on site and proportionate to the cost to lower the risk.
Ordtek's UXO Risk Management Framework for the reduction of UXO risks consists of eight interrelated and sequential phases, (which are specifically designed to discharge clients’ legal liabilities to ALARP).
the risk from UXO to the proposed development ranges from Low to Moderate. and that mitigation is required to reduce the risk to ALARP. Ordtek have studied the geophysical data acquired by MMT in 2013 and considers it to be of sufficient quality to mitigate the UXO risk ahead of the specified geotechnical activities. The MBES and SSS data is high
Risk associated with UXO/MEC detonation is minimized using an ALARP approach (Figure 1). For a risk to be ALARP it must be possible to demonstrate that the cost involved in reducing the risk further would be grossly disproportionate to the benefit gained.
The UXO risk can be reduced to the ALARP threshold by implementing the UXO risk mitigation strategy below. The table below summarises the mitigation required for ALARP sign-off.
Unexploded Ordnance (UXO) Hazard and Risk Assessment with …
The UXO risk can be reduced to the ALARP threshold by While the mitigation strategy recommended within this study is based solely implementing the UXO risk mitigation strategy below. on the Health and Safety risk UXO presents, it is also important to consider other risks to the Project, such as the impact of delay.
Ordtek - Venterra Group plc
Based in Norfolk, in the East of England, Ordtek’s approach to addressing UXO risk employs an intelligent blend of risk management, industry specific learning and geoscience techniques to assess and mitigate the risks posed to maritime development.
Ordtek | UXO Specialists | Ordtek 2023 Summary - A Year of …
By expanding the Ordtek team, and thus our capacity, we have been able to assist with over 150 different projects throughout 2023, for both onshore and offshore developments. This has resulted in thousands of geotechnical locations being ALARP certified, and many projects having been given the green light to proceed with production.