About ORI | ORI - The Office of Research Integrity - HHS.gov
The Office of Research Integrity (ORI) oversees and directs Public Health Service (PHS) research integrity activities on behalf of the Secretary of Health and Human Services with the exception of the regulatory research integrity activities of the Food and Drug Administration.
ORI - The Office of Research Integrity | ORI - The Office of …
ORI found that Bret Rutherford, M.D., who was formerly a Research Psychiatrist, NYSPI, engaged in research misconduct in research supported by U.S. Public Health Service (PHS) funds, specifically National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH), National Institutes of Health (NIH).
Case Summaries | ORI - The Office of Research Integrity - HHS.gov
ORI is Updating its Policies on Research Integrity to Meet the Demands of the Modern Research Environment
ORI Introduction to the Responsible Conduct of Research
While every effort has been made to present an accurate description of Federal rules and the practices accepted by the research community for the responsible conduct of research, any statement in this ORI Introduction to RCR that is inconsistent with Federal law or regulation or official policy or guidance is superseded thereby.
Definitions | ORI - The Office of Research Integrity - HHS.gov
Human subjects. Human subjects are “living individual(s) about whom an investigator conducting research obtains: (1) data through intervention or interaction with the individual; or (2) identifiable private information” (§ 46.102(f), see box, next page, for full definition).
Human Subject Research | ORI - The Office of Research Integrity
U.S. Office for Human Research Protections About Research Participation: Resources for the public on participating in research and making informed decisions. Bryn Mawr College and the Massachusetts College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences
Assurance Program | ORI - The Office of Research Integrity
Assurance program inquiries should be sent to Robin Parker at [email protected]. Phone: 240-453-8407. Compliance program inquiries should be sent to [email protected]. Phone: 202-260-1724. » Annual Report on Possible Research Misconduct (Form PHS-6349)-- NOTE: Institutions are encouraged to complete the online version of this form.
Research Misconduct | ORI - The Office of Research Integrity
ORI Closed Investigations into Misconduct Allegations Involving Research Supported
ORI - The Office of Research Integrity
ORI is Updating its Policies on Research Integrity to Meet the Demands of the Modern Research Environment
IRBs | ORI - The Office of Research Integrity - HHS.gov
Federally funded research that uses human subjects must be reviewed and approved by an independent committee called an Institutional Review Board or IRB. The IRB provides an opportunity and place for individuals with different backgrounds to discuss and make judgments about the acceptability of projects, based on criteria set out in the Common ...