Fighting ORT : r/FGO - Reddit
Jun 23, 2024 · ORT strategy in a nutshell: Throw EVERYONE into the meat grinder. ORT changes his class after every fight, so use it to your advantage, especially considering that …
Finally beating LB 7. Thanks for the advice : r/FGO - Reddit
Jun 25, 2024 · ORT Raid : It isn't as hard as I thought it would be, just tedious. Sure I spent almost 70 servants fighting it, but I still have like 50 others SRs and SSRs left. Honestly the …
ORT vs other powerhouses in the Nasuverse : r/fatestaynight
(LB7 spoilers) So we all saw how powerful ORT is in Lostbelt 7 of FGO after like two decades of teasing and he sure didn't disappoint. But one thing Lostbelt 7 also shows is that as powerful …
Translation of the Designer's Comments for a Certain Alien
Jul 26, 2023 · We will present some of the early designs and ideas, as well as comments from PFALZ, the designer of ORT the greatest enemy that players will face in the final phase of Part …
Respect ORT! (TYPE-MOON / Nasuverse) : r/respectthreads - Reddit
Feb 21, 2023 · Wind cometh from the heavens. Stars falleth from the cosmos. None else but ORT may defeat ORT! Your time has come to an end, Ultimate One! The Noble Phantasm of ORT …
Is O.R.T still the strongest character in all the type-moon ... - Reddit
The danger of ORT is that it constant evolves , while already been strong in itself. In a sense , even if another Type ends up stronger than ORT , as long ORT survives and consume …
Can someone explain to me how the Lostbelt 7 Raid will work
Jun 3, 2024 · ORT doesn't heal between fights so if you have a group that takes down half a bar it will be at 50% when you go back in. Somewhere in the raid, sometime after the midpoint, he …
How many beings are capable of going against ORT? : …
Abby herself would stand no chance against Ort neither will Artoria and her Excalibur Athurs is much better in this situation so he can maybe do it. I doubt Zeltrecth would be able to defeat …
About to fight ORT soon, how screwed am I ? : r/FGO - Reddit
A casual Fate Grand Order subreddit. Formerly "Fighting Games Online". Icon provided by u/karikarisuru
Hardest boss as for 2023 : r/grandorder - Reddit
Jun 22, 2023 · ORT basically consumes your servant everytime they fight it to synthesize it's own throne of heroes. The gimmick is that everytime you use a servant to break one bar, that …