Osho World – Vision of an Enlightened Master
Osho on Enlightened Zen Master Gutei Gutei Isshi was a 9th-century Chinese Chan or Zen, master who spent his time alone in the mountains, meditating and chanting the Kannongyō, the twenty-fifth chapter of the Lotus Sutra.
Discourses – Osho World
These spontaneous talks to thousands of his disciples from all over the world highlight the profound understanding of the core messages of these masters and are laced with pertinent stories and, occasionally, jokes.
Audio Discourse Hindi-A – Osho World
Osho Dham. About Osho Dham; Osho Meditations; Upcoming Events; Children’s Space; News & Media. News & Media; Osho World Events; Eminent Persons on Osho; Discourses. Hindi Audio Discourse; English Audio Discourse; Hindi E-Books; English E-Books; Marathi E-books; Search Archive of Osho Books; Video; Shop; Magazine. Hindi Magazine; Pearls; Past ...
Osho Audio Discourse English – A – Osho World
001: Art of Dying 01-10 Category: JEWISH MYSTICS: Read, Play & Download: 002: Ah This 01-08 Category: ZEN AND ZEN MASTERS: Read, Play & Download: 003: Ancient Music in the Pines 01-09
Hindi Audio Discourse Series - OSHO World
4,000 hours of OSHO Hindi discourses series. 179 series of hindi audio discourses - OSHO World
Discourses - oshoworld
Lasting between 90 minutes and even more than two hours, these discourses never let the listener falter with his unbounded knowledge. His imagery and fluency rivet the attention of listener right to the end. Osho ignites, inspires and enlightens with his deep insights.
home - oshoworld
osho, last night you said that the mind cannot do two things together -- that is, thinking and witnessing. IT SEEMS THEN THAT WITNESSING IS A MENTAL FACULTY AND AN ACT OF THE MIND. IS IT SO?
Sannyas: A New Beginning – Osho World
Sep 26, 2021 · Osho explains why He calls His sannyas – ‘neo-sannyas’: my sannyas is an opening, a journey… in search of an orgasmic relationship with the whole. Sannyas is not a program or ideology; it is exploration.
Discourses - OSHO World
Lasting between 90 minutes and even more than two hours, these discourses never let the listener falter with his unbounded knowledge. His imagery and fluency rivet the attention of listener right to the end. Osho ignites, inspires and enlightens with his deep insights.
Chinmaya – Osho World
A gifted musician, Chinmaya created some truly magnificent music, most notably Terra Incognita in Osho’s presence. He formed the band The Celtic Ragas , which performed at Sir Paul McCartney’s wedding in Ireland.