OSS weapons ingenuity: The secret gear of America’s WWII spies
Jan 11, 2018 · OSS guns and blades were intended for simple but effective use. American servicemen going into harm’s way had a variety of ingenious places to hide small, even miniature, compasses for escape and...
The OSS Dirty Tricks Department: Umbrella Guns, Beano
A SPY HQ with a handicap Wild Bill enjoyed playing outrageous pranks to show off the inventions. The OSS head once snuck into President Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s Oval Office armed with a loaded gun and a bag of sand.
These World War II Assassin Weapons Could Kill Without a Trace
Jan 1, 2022 · Here are 5 of the weirdest OSS weapons for your consumption. Related: PIPPA LATOUR: THE WWII SPY TURNED HUMBLE HERO. The Sedgley OSS combined a gun with a glove for one heckuva knockout...
Oss Special Weapons and Equipment: Spy Devices of Wwii
Describes weapons and devices used by OSS agents in intelligence work during World War II, including a cigar pistol and explosive coal. Book recommendations, author interviews, editors' picks, and more. Read it now. Help others learn more about this product by uploading a video!
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10 Diabolical Spy Weapons - Listverse
Mar 22, 2014 · In the 1940s, the OSS developed an explosive device called “the Mole.” It was also ironically known as “Casey Jones,” a reference to the famous train engineer who prevented the deaths of his passengers in a serious train crash.
Office of Strategic Services - Wikipedia
[29]: 101 Throughout the war years, the OSS Research & Development successfully adapted Allied weapons and espionage equipment, and produced its own line of novel spy tools and gadgets, including silenced pistols, lightweight sub-machine guns, "Beano" grenades that exploded upon impact, explosives disguised as lumps of coal ("Black Joe") or ...
Secret Agents, Secret Armies: The Short Happy Life of the OSS
The OSS had a short life but it was the foundation on which much of the modern US intelligence community has been built. OSS veterans led the CIA through the Cold War. Additionally, the US Army Green Berets and the Navy Seals can trace their …
The Fanciful World of OSS Weapons & Equipment - Insigne
An Original & Authentic WWII OSS Spy Combat 14 Inch Blade With a 5 Inch Grip Knife Cut Down From a Patton Saber. [ As stated above, the OSS did not conduct operations in the Philippines or anywhere else in the SW Pacific Area.
Weapons of the OSS Jedburgh Teams – Gunpowder Magazine
Nov 28, 2020 · The OSS also issued concealed, sleeve daggers and tiny, hidden, lapel daggers for operatives as last-resort weapons. For special missions requiring nearly-silent action, such as ambushes, assassinations, or night raids, a variety of optional weapons could be provided.
OSS Weapons - Trained to be an OSS Spy
The OSS needed highly specialized equipment, including wireless radio transmitters, guns, knives, bombs, just to name a few. After the realization that this needed to be an operation on a grand scale, Donovan invited experts from around the country, and funded a branch that would become the OSS’ Research and Development section.