Out-of-band data - IBM
Out-of-band (OOB) data is user-specific data that only has meaning for connection-oriented (stream) sockets. Stream data is generally received in the same order it is sent. OOB data is …
Out-of-Band Data - IBM
Out-of-band (OOB) data is a logically independent transmission channel associated with each pair of connected stream sockets. Out-of-band data can be delivered to the socket independently …
Out-of-band-Daten - IBM
Out-of-band-Daten (OOB) sind benutzerspezifische Daten, die nur für verbindungsorientierte (Datenstrom) Sockets von Bedeutung sind. Datenstromdaten werden im Allgemeinen in …
sendto() — Send data on a socket - IBM
Sends out-of-band data on the socket. Only SOCK_STREAM sockets support out-of-band data. The out-of-band data is a single byte. Before out-of-band data can be sent between two …
recvmsg() — Receive messages on a socket and store in an array
Reads any out-of-band data on the socket. Out-of-band data is sent when the MSG_OOB flag is on for a send(), sendto() or sendmsg(). The fcntl command should be used with F_SETOWN …
recvfrom() — Receive messages on a socket - IBM
Out-of-band data is sent when the MSG_OOB flag is on for a send(), sendto(), or sendmsg(). The fcntl() command should be used with F_SETOWN to specify the recipient, either a pid or a gid, …
Socket Data Transfer - IBM
Out-of-band data is specific to stream sockets. The option to have data sent without routing applied to the outgoing packets is currently used only by the routing table management …
Out-of-band communication requirements - IBM
These types of communication are known as out-of-band communication because they take place independent of an operating system. Data is transmitted between the service processor and …
sendmsg() — Send messages on a socket - IBM
Sends out-of-band data on the socket. Only SOCK_STREAM sockets support out-of-band data. The out-of-band data is a single byte. Before out-of-band data can be sent between two …
Recv - IBM
Use the Recv function to receive data on a connected socket, up to a specified maximum number of bytes. By specifying option flags, you can also: Read out-of-band data; Peek at the …