Retrieving data and insights: Exporting customizable reports ... - ATLAS.ti
Alternatively, you can simply use the “Export Codebook” option, which can be found under the “Import & Export” tab in ATLAS.ti Windows; or under the “Code” menu in ATLAS.ti Mac. By exporting (and importing) codebooks, sharing your codes with others is easier than ever!
Data Export - ATLAS.ti 22 Windows - User Manual
There are output options for each of the main entities in ATLAS.ti: Documents, quotations, codes, and memos and within the various tools. All reports are user configurable, and you can decide which type of content to include.
Exporting Documents - ATLAS.ti 9 Windows - User Manual
You can export all documents that you have added to an ATLAS.ti project. PDF and multimedia files (audio, video, images) are exported in their original format. Text documents are exported as Word (docx) files.
ATLAS.ti 8 Windows-Creating Outputs of Documents - YouTube
This video shows how to create output of individual documents.
ATLAS ti 8 Windows-Creating an Output of Quotations Linked to …
This video tutorial shows how to create an output of the quotations linked to a given code. In other words, what have study participants said about topic X?
Data Export - ATLAS.ti 9 Mac - User Manual
There are output options for each of the main entities in ATLAS.ti: Documents, quotations, codes, and memos and within the various tools. All reports are user configurable, and you can decide which type of content to include.
Creating Reports - ATLAS.ti 24 Windows – Quick Tour
To create a report, open the drop-down menu of the report button in the toolbar and select Export as Spreadsheet. Use the grouping options to create different sheets for each of the selected entity, e.g. if you group a quotation report by codes, ATLAS.ti creates a separate sheet for each code and its quotation in the spreadsheet or Excel file.
Reports - ATLAS.ti 24 Mac – User Manual
In every manager, you find a button (the rectangular icon with an up arrow) to export the content as spreadsheet. The export is a WYSIWYG (what you see is what you get) type of report. All columns currently displayed are exported. To exclude a column from the report, click on the column header and deselect it.
ATLAS.ti Mac-Creating Outputs of All Objects - YouTube
Jan 23, 2015 · This video tutorial shows how to create reports in ATLAS.ti Mac 1.0.15 (81). More information on this can be found on pages 89-91 of the manual: http://atlas...
Example Reports - ATLAS.ti 24 Mac – User Manual
Open the Quotation Manager. Select one or multiple codes in the filter area on the left. To select multiple codes, hold down the cmd-key. Click on the Export button and select Export as Spreadsheet. ATLAS.ti exports all columns that you see in "Detail View". The default view is "Small Preview".