Chronic Endophthalmitis Caused by Propionibacterium acnes
Mar 1, 2011 · The findings of chronic P. acnes endophthalmitis are often subtle, and these patients may lack the severe pain, poor vision and hypopyon often seen in acute-onset endophthalmitis. 3,5,7 The classic clinical sign of P. acnes endophthalmitis is the presence of a white, creamy, intracapsular plaque that consists of peripheral lens cortex and ...
CRSToday | Propionibacterium Acnes Endophthalmitis
Caused by P. acnes, a gram-positive anaerobic bacillus, this condition presents as a white intracapsular plaque in the setting of decreased vision, conjunctival injection, intraocular inflammation with or without hypopyon, and keratic precipitates.
This nonspecific fibrin manifestation along with chronic recurrent granulomatous uveitis and a prominent white plaque within the capsular bag should raise the suspicion of P. acnes endophthalmitis in eyes with delayed onset inflammation after cataract surgery.
Postoperative Endophthalmitis Caused by Cutibacterium (Formerly ...
We report the clinical features, treatment strategies and outcomes in a series of patients with infectious endophthalmitis after cataract surgery caused by Cutibacterium acnes (C. acnes), formerly known as Propionibacterium acnes (P. acnes).
The hallmark of P.acnes endophthalmitis is the presence of the white plaque on the posterior capsule or the IOL (reported in 40-100% of cases depending on the series). Other common signs include: hypopyon (30-60% of cases), granulomatous keratic precipitants (30-80% of cases), fibrin strands in the anterior chamber (20-30% of cases).
Postoperative proprionibacterium acnes endophthalmitis
This retrospective analysis of the management of 25 cases of culture-proven Propionibacterium (P.) acnes endophthalmitis by Aldave, et al, illustrates the difficulty of treating this and other types of chronic “saccular” endophthalmitis.
Treatment strategies for postoperative Propionibacterium acnes ...
Dec 1, 1999 · The most common presenting features of P. acnes endophthalmitis were decreased vision (100%), anterior chamber reaction (80%), vitreous cells (52%), a white intracapsular plaque (40%), hypopyon (36%), and pain (33%) (Fig 1).
Treatment of Propionibacterium acnes endophthalmitis
Propionibacterium acnes is a well-known cause of delayed endophthalmitis following cataract surgery. A white intracapsular plaque, keratic precipitates, and hypopyon may be present.
Management options for Propionibacterium acnes endophthalmitis
The authors reviewed the management of nine culture-proven cases of Propionibacterium acnes endophthalmitis which presented at an average of 4 months after extracapsular cataract extraction (ECCE) and posterior chamber intraocular lens (PC IOL) implantation.
Endophthalmitis due to Propionibacterium acnes sequestered …
The patient initially responded to topical steroids, but developed a whitish capsular plaque through to represent possible Propionibacterium acnes endophthalmitis. A vitrectomy and capsular biopsy yielded cultures positive for P. acnes only after nine days. The intraocular lens was left in place.
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