Nyx Avatar - Megami Tensei Wiki
Nyx Avatar in Persona 3 is an extension of Nyx, with the goal of causing The Fall, a prophesied event of total world destruction. Previously known as Death (Thanatos), Ryoji Mochizuki, and Pharos, it becomes the final boss encountered on Tartarus' top floor.
Any tips for nyx? - Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 3 FES - GameFAQs
Easiest way to beat Nyx: 1. Fuse Abbadon with heart item. Equip Tome of the Void (nulls all status ailments, but not poison). Otherwise, you'll need to fuse a decent Raphael. 2. You should...
What is the best team for Nyx? - Shin Megami Tensei: Persona
Apr 22, 2008 · As for Personas, Messiah is always good but that is only if you want to level up to 90 to fuse it. Other good options would be Personas like Odin, Norn, and Surt for the severe elemental spells....
How do I beat Nyx? - Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 3 FES Q&A …
Apr 22, 2008 · When Nyx starts using Night Queen (at approximately 1/3 HP if I remember right), you should be able to attack more often than when it was just MG. This is still a test of endurance, though; as...
Nyx - Megami Tensei Wiki
Nyx, in Persona 3, is a celestial-body sized alien referred to as a Planet Eater. Her impact with prehistoric Earth resulted in the separation of her body and psyche. She embodies a powerful Mother-Archetype, named after the Greek goddess Nyx.
Best team for Nyx? : r/PERSoNA - Reddit
I have most of the team around level 74-76 with MC at 83. What is the best team for Nyx? Also any tips?
Great Seal | Megami Tensei Wiki | Fandom
The Great Seal (大いなる封印, Ooinaru Fuuin)? is a place that exists inside the Sea of Souls that the male protagonist / female protagonist created to separate Nyx and Erebus from reuniting. The Great Seal is a special event-only skill in Persona 3.
What level do u recommend for nyx. - Shin Megami Tensei
While people have beat Nyx as low as 60 on Normal, I'd aim for the mid-70s. Be sure to trade your items in for those stat building cards and don't be afraid to spam items in the fight. You lose...
What level should I be to beat Nyx and which Persona should I ... - Reddit
I think level ~76 would present the most reasonable challenge for the Nyx fight. The battle isn't really hard as much as it can be potentially frustrating. You can bring whatever Personas you want, it doesn't really matter as long as they're around your level as well.
Persona 3 FES Nyx Walkthrough FAQs - Lord Yuan Shu
May 19, 2008 · The final arcana for Nyx obviously is the Death Arcana. It’s defense and HP go up drastically for this sub-battle and Nyx will put up a Moonless Gown which blocks all attacks on occasion. You will need to ‘Stand By’ until Nyx retracts the Gown, then begin attacking again.