P50 (neuroscience) - Wikipedia
In electroencephalography, the P50 is an event related potential occurring approximately 50 ms after the presentation of a stimulus, usually an auditory click. [1] The P50 response is used to …
Event-related potential: An overview - PMC - PubMed Central (PMC)
P50 wave. The amount of attenuation in the neural response to the second of the two identical stimuli indexes the strength of the inhibitory pathway. This paradigm has been adapted as a …
Sensory gating - Wikipedia
Evidence of the gating can be seen in the P50 wave, occurring in the brain 50 ms after the click. Low values of the P50 wave indicate that sensory gating has occurred. High values of the P50 …
Impaired Auditory Gating and P50 Nonsuppression Following …
Feb 1, 2000 · Traumatic brain injury (TBI) can produce persistent attention and memory impairment that may in part be produced by impaired auditory sensory gating. The P50 evoked …
P50 Sensory Gating in Infants - PMC - PubMed Central (PMC)
An auditory stimulus elicits a consistent EEG-measured brain response; the response includes a wave which, in adults, occurs approximately 50 msec after the stimulus. Since the wave is in …
Generators of the intracranial P50 response in auditory sensory …
The P50 responses were measured from responses to the S1 (first) stimulus of the pair, whereas the gating responses were measured from difference waves (Gating Difference Wave or …
Different P50 sensory gating measures reflect different cognitive ...
Sep 9, 2015 · Our findings suggest that the P50 ratio and S2 amplitude reflect distinct neurophysiological substrates associated with different cognitive functions. Keywords: P50, …
P50: A candidate ERP biomarker of prodromal Alzheimer’s disease
Oct 10, 2015 · The P50 is a positive-going wave peaking approximately 50 ms after the onset of an auditory stimulus. It is produced in primary and secondary auditory cortices, though its …
P50 wave. Deficits in P50 suppression have high heritability and show linkage to the alpha-7 subunit of the nicotinic cholinergic receptor gene in families with schizophrenia, suggest-ing …
Sensory disturbances, inhibitory deficits, and the P50 wave in ...
Jul 14, 2014 · Sensory gating disturbances in schizophrenia are often described as an inability to filter redundant sensory stimuli that typically manifest as inability to gate neuronal responses …