A new wrinkle in our understanding of the role played by auxin in …
Sep 23, 2019 · This process involves auxin-dependent activation of expression of starch-synthesis genes including PGM, ADG1 and SS4. The promoters of PGM and ADG1 contain …
Sucrose synthases are not involved in starch synthesis in
Apr 28, 2022 · To assess the sensitivity of ADPG to unintentional shading during leaf sampling, rosettes were harvested from WT, pgm and adg1 Arabidopsis plants in the light either by …
The Debate on the Pathway of Starch Synthesis: A Closer Look at …
The classical pathway of starch synthesis in Arabidopsis leaves involves the chloroplastic enzymes phosphoglucomutase (PGM), which generates Glc-1-P from Glc-6-P, and ADPGlc …
Auxin-mediated statolith production for root gravitropism
May 20, 2019 · To further confirm that the starch granule synthase genes SS4, PGM and AGD1 are the key genes regulated by auxin and that they function downstream of auxin signaling, we …
Mutation of Arabidopsis Plastid Phosphoglucose Isomerase …
We isolated pgi1-1, an Arabidopsis mutant with a decreased plastid phospho-glucose (Glc) isomerase activity. While pgi1-1 mutant has a deficiency in leaf starch synthesis, it …
The role of plastidial glucose-6-phosphate/phosphate ... - PubMed
Glucose content in the cytosolic heteroglycan increased substantially in adg1-1 but decreased in pgi1-2, suggesting that the plastidic Glc6P pool contributes to its biosynthesis. The abundance …
Sucrose synthases are not involved in starch synthesis in …
It is universally accepted that transitory starch is synthesized from ADP-glucose (ADPG) in the chloroplasts.
promoters of PGM and ADG1 contain sequence motifs that are typical of auxin-response elements, suggesting a direct effect of auxin signaling on the expression of these genes.
Sucrose synthases are not involved in starch synthesis in
First, if the consensus pathway operates, levels of ADPG and starch would be expected to be much lower in leaves lacking PGM or AGPase (the pgm and adg1 (aps1) mutants, …
Sugar exhaustion in starchless mutant leaves at night. Starch, Suc ...
To characterize further the role of autophagy in carbon metabolism, we generated double mutants containing a starchless mutation, phosphoglucomutase ( pgm ; Caspar et al., 1985) or ADP …