PRS vs Telecaster - Official PRS Guitars Forum
Jun 6, 2014 · Brent also still has his telecasters, I think, alongside with the PRS sig. I highly recommend the BM sig in general, but not for somebody looking for the telecaster sound. Get a nice telecaster and get a neck pup replacement if it doesn't have "it" would be my two cents. Or just find the RIGHT telecaster, not the one on sale
PRS NF 53 vs my Fender Professional Telecaster
Aug 14, 2019 · PRS Silver Sky, McCarty 594 Core, Gibson Les Paul Custom, Gibson 335, and Fender Professional Telecaster. I really don't want to own any more guitars as I want to know each one so well, that playing live I won't have an issue. Everyone is different, I get it. I just ordered a Tobacco Sunburst PRS NF 53 to compare to my Fender Telecaster.
PRS model most like a Tele? - Official PRS Guitars Forum
Jun 25, 2012 · I got my favorite PRS bright tone from the two Quatro's I once owned in split mode (Dumber, I know...selling the blueburst still haunts me). I used half of that 53/10 bridge PU a lot. It made this suburban kid a country boy playing tele type country licks. The great PRS frets and 10" radius works well for bending away.
Silver Sky SE vs Telecaster tone. | Official PRS Guitars Forum
Apr 28, 2013 · How close does the neck pickup of the SS SE sound to a Tele? I feel like the SS SE is a bit fuller / darker sounding than a Strat and, therefore, probably closer to a Tele but I don't have either for any direct comparisons. Anyone swap the bridge PU for a TwangBanger? How much of a change did...
Not another "what PRS is closest to a Tele sound" thread!
Mar 20, 2014 · The Vela is certainly the most "tele-esque" of the PRS line up, IMHO. But somehow isn't as close to a T-style as the DC3 is to an S-style, for example (and obviously the Silver Sky went all the way, very on purpose).
What PRS does the best "Telecaster" impression?
Feb 21, 2018 · Nik Huber Twangmeister is the best “PRS” Telecaster. I don’t think PRS has a Tele type. I couldn’t believe it when I saw one. He’s captured so much of the PRS greatness and put it in the form of a Tele and the sound is not completely Tele but is what you might expect a PRS Tele type to be. Nik did it right.
Why Did You Chose a PRS Over a Fender Tele or Strat
Feb 25, 2023 · I picked up a Tele, then 4 more beautiful PRS. I bought cores, well one is a Private Stock. All PRS I play are made to the highest standards of materials, fit and finish, and sound fantastic. I love the neck shapes, and all PRS are lighter than the Fenders and Gibsons I purchased or played. They also have longer sustain.
PRS Equivalent to a Fender American Ultra Telecaster?
Apr 24, 2024 · I've been jonesing for a PRS guitar for a few years now. I have two Telecasters, a Vintage Hot Rod '52 and an American Ultra in Texas Tea. I figured I only need one Tele, and I'd try to sell the American Ultra and use the money to buy a …
What PRS does the best "Telecaster" impression?
Dec 22, 2018 · Probably shouldn’t have left it with no actual PRS answer. My 513 Swamp Ash gets into Tele territory but it is definitely smoother sounding than a Tele. Thicker than a Tele also. But, bet definitely Fendery. Neck or bridge alone was almost passing.
PRS Equivalent to a Fender American Ultra Telecaster?
Apr 24, 2024 · The NF53 is more geared as the PRS take on a tele. Definitely more tele than a Vela. Still to me it's not a tele, but for sure telesque. I like it because it's a PRS take on things with a nod to a tele. Personally I prefer the Myles Kennedy over the NF53, but both are solid. You can't go wrong with an American PRS in terms of quality.