How can I search for words by meaning/definition?
Update: An example dictionary that I use is (Oxford's Word-Power Dictionary). It's not for the purpose of the question but for clarification.
Is there any standardized definition of a "Mary Sue"?
Feb 26, 2013 · I think "encompass" or "cover" would have been correct. Anyway, I still consider the listing of character traits that are "considered harmful" (and treating a Mary Sue as an archetype in general, as people are wont to do) to generally be a negative thing, as people will bend over to avoid those traits and create something equally as …
Should I embrace or avoid memes (pictures) when blogging?
ps. Concerning number of pictures per blog post, what others address: Use as many as you want, but providing you use them right and make them genuinely funny. I doubt you'd find enough context in a post of the size you have linked to ever fit three memes in a meaningful and original way. There's maybe enough material for one.
Advice on how to beat word repetition in dialogue [duplicate]
Jan 27, 2019 · PS: I do not seek traditional publishing for my writing. I'm taking the path of the "Free Web Novel". I don't know if this actually affects anything, but figured it might be pertinent. Forgive typos I haven't caught, still adjusting to a new keyboard.
Personal or impersonal in a technical resume
Mar 20, 2019 · I would skip the poetry, but use the personal approach. Project X. I had several duties on this project. My primary responsibility was mixing dangerous chemicals in a cauldron for various experiments, including an attempt to liquefy kryptonite.
Can non-English-speaking characters use wordplay specific to …
May 27, 2019 · Google Translate seems to be better because it tries to translate phrases, rather than words and that leads to more coherent output. However, if your definition is true, that would be halfway to localisation. It doesn't handle jokes, for example, but it can do idioms. –
formatting - What symbols are used after difficult words in a text …
Usually, there are no demarcations made in the text that would tell your readers if a word is present in the glossary or not.
genre - What is Literary Fiction? - Writing Stack Exchange
Nov 18, 2010 · Though, like other genres and streams, there isn't a one-size-fits-all definition for literary fiction, here are some other common distinguishing characteristics: Literary fiction often eschews dramatic plot, viewing it as unrealistic, contrived (even if brilliantly so...), and/or as being a "cheap" way of generating excitement.
style - Methods of Strengthening Verbal Skills for Prose - Writing ...
Dec 29, 2024 · My verbal skills seem very weak. Often, I cannot write flowing, rhythmic prose, if ever. But I know I succeeded at least once in the past, although in a very short piece, which is not published, is
publishing - How to elegantly convey the finer nuances of …
ps. Shell out a couple dollars, visit Deviantart and find a couple amateur artists accepting cheap commissions. Order pictures that follow exactly textual descriptions you provide, and then boggle at how wrong - how totally not how you imagined it they are. It came to me as a shock to realize how different people can imagine the same, very ...