Poly-vinyl alcohol (PVA) crosslinked by trisodium …
Feb 15, 2020 · In this paper, the non-toxic trisodium trimetaphophate (STMP) and sodium hexametaphosphate (SHMP) are used as crosslinker for the preparation of 3D PVA matrices.
Poly-vinyl alcohol (PVA) crosslinked by trisodium …
Feb 15, 2020 · Poly-vinyl alcohol (PVA) with different molecular weight (27 kDa, 31 kDa, 61 kDa, 125 kDa and 195 kDa) were phosphorylated with trisodium trimetaphosphate (STMP) or sodium hexa-metaphosphate (SHMP) working at pH 10 or 12.
High gas barrier coating using non-toxic nanosheet dispersions for ...
Trisodium trimetaphosphate (TSMP) was used to crosslink PVA following a previous report 27. Typically, 5 g of 10 wt% PVA solution (or LDH/PVA mixture) was mixed with 0.08 mL of 0.16 M TSMP and 0.03 mL of 2.5 M NaOH right before coating.
PVA/STMP based hydrogels as potential substitutes of human
PVA based hydrogels were synthesised using, as crosslinking agent, trisodium trimetaphosphate (STMP) to obtain potential substitutes for the vitreous body of the eye. The hydrogels, obtained using different amounts of STMP, were characterised by Infrared Spectroscopy which confirmed the successful o …
Poly-vinyl alcohol (PVA) crosslinked by trisodium …
Oct 1, 2019 · PVA was mixed with PVP in two different molar ratios (1:1 and 1:3) and chemically cross-linked using trisodium trimetaphosphate (STMP), which is able to react only with PVA component.
Mar 22, 2022 · sensitive reagents, and other temperature sensitive items are collectively referred to as TSMP. For the purposes of this policy, there are four classes of TSMP: Vaccines & Mission Essential (V&ME) TSMP, Blood Product (BP) TSMP, Tissue Product TSMP, and GU TSMP.
用于血管移植的新型交联聚乙烯醇(PVA) † ,Advanced Functional …
聚乙烯醇(PVA)是一种水溶性合成聚合物,具有优异的成膜性,乳化性和粘合性。 这项研究的目的是设计一种简单的PVA与三偏磷酸钠交联以形成适用于生物医学应用的膜装置的简单方法。 该过程不需要有机溶剂,也不需要熔融过程即可获得具有高机械强度的薄膜。 仅需围绕特氟龙棒缠绕一个步骤,就可以轻松地从PVA膜制造小直径管。 动态力学分析表明,消除了施加的应力后,杨氏模量为2×10 5 kPa的PVA薄膜恢复了其原始尺寸和形状。 PVA管的壁厚为344±13 µm(n = …
三偏磷酸三钠 (STMP) 和六偏磷酸钠 (SHMP) 交联的聚乙烯醇 (PVA…
摘要 不同分子量(27 kDa、31 kDa、61 kDa、125 kDa 和 195 kDa)的聚乙烯醇 (PVA) 在 pH 10 或 12 下用三偏磷酸三钠 (STMP) 或六偏磷酸钠 (SHMP) 磷酸化. 从具有较高 MW(61 kDa、125 kDa 和 195 kDa)的聚合物开始获得强化学水凝胶(G'>G”)。 红外光谱、紫外分光光度法和流变分析表明,交联密度是聚合物链去质子化、溶液粘度和间隔臂长度之间正确平衡的函数。 作为磷酸化剂的 STMP 和 SHMP,在改变 pH 值和聚合物分子量方面表现不同。 交联密度反映在与水 …
将充分溶胀的壳聚糖/聚乙烯醇共混膜置于一定浓度的三偏磷酸钠溶液中进行交联反应制备出交联壳聚糖膜.用红外光谱 (FTIR-ATR)、X-射线衍射 (XRD)和扫描电镜 (SEM)表征了膜的结构,并测试了其吸水率、力学性能、酶降解性能.结果表明,交联作用明显提高了膜的抗张强度和抗水性,并有效地降低了溶菌酶对其降解速率.
三偏磷酸钠交联壳聚糖 /聚乙烯醇共混膜的制备及其性能研究 - 道 …
Oct 11, 2016 · 聚乙烯醇(Poly Vinyl Alcohol , PVA )为水溶性高分子,也具有良好的生物相容性和生物可降解性,在医药上可用作药物的粘合剂和包衣剂,是一种良好的医用高分子材料 [5 - 6 ] 。 共混是改善高分子膜材料的有效方法。 通过共混,可以使得各组分高分子之间相互作用,以达到协同增效的作用。 壳聚糖与聚乙烯醇共混能提高膜的性能,且能够降低壳聚糖膜的脆性。 戊二醛可用于壳聚糖 - 聚乙烯醇共混膜的交联剂,能够使共混膜的性能得到进一步改善 [7 ] 。 但 …