PXIe-4081 - NI - National Instruments
The PXIe‑4081 is the industry’s most accurate 7½‑digit DMM and provides the measurement capabilities found in two common test instruments: a high-resolution 1,000 V DMM and a digitizer. As a DMM, the PXIe‑4081 delivers fast, accurate AC/DC voltage, AC/DC current, 2‑ or 4‑wire resistance, and frequency/period measurements, as well ...
These specifications apply to the PXIe-4081. Warranted specifications describe the performance of a model under stated operating conditions and are covered by the model warranty.
Product Documentation - NI - National Instruments
May 2, 2024 · This document explains how to install, configure, and test the NI 4080/4081/4082. The NI 4080/4081/4082 is a digital multimeter that ships with NI-DMM, which you use to program the device. To access NI 4080/4081/4082 documentation, navigate to Start » All Programs » National Instruments » NI-DMM Documentation.
Understanding the PXIe-4081 7½-Digit FlexDMM Architecture
Feb 12, 2024 · Releasing the PXIe-4082 6½-digit FlexDMM and LCR meter; The latest innovation is the NI PXIe-4081 7½-digit FlexDMM. The PXIe-4081 FlexDMM offers 26 bits of accuracy and resolution, which provides 10 times more resolution and up to 60 percent more accuracy than the previous FlexDMM devices.
DC Voltage ± (ppm of reading + ppm of range) In parallel with 90 pF, typical. Relative to external calibration source. Accuracy specifications allow for the indicated temperature variation. If the device temperature falls outside of that bounds, apply the Tempco 'Without Self-Cal'.
This document explains how to install, configure, and test the NI 4080/4081/4082. The NI 4080/4081/4082 is a digital multimeter that ships with NI-DMM , which you use to program the device. To access NI 4080/4081/4082 documentation, navigate to Start »All Programs»National Instruments »NI-DMM Documentation.
PXIe Chassis Backplane Pinouts - NI
Apr 19, 2023 · First, if your device under development is a PXI type, not a PXI Express(PXIe), check this KB about PXI pinout. You can find the pinouts at the end of the PXIe chassis user manual based on your model. However, you may need more references to understand how to apply this to your model.
PXIE-4081 Datasheet (PDF) - National Instruments Corporation
Part #: PXIE-4081. Download. File Size: 1MbKbytes. Page: 38 Pages. Description: Expandable PXI bundle based on PXIe-4081 Digital Multimeter, 7 1/2-Digit, 1000V, 3A. Manufacturer: National Instruments Corporation.
PXIe-4081 Datasheet - All About Circuits
The PXIe-4081 from National Instruments, part of the PXI Digital Multimeter series of multimeters, features a max current of 0A AC and 3A DC and a max voltage of 0V AC and 1000V DC. The multimeter has a max resistance of 100M. and can measure Capacitance, Temperature, Frequency Measurement.
These specifications apply to the PXIe-4081. Warranted specifications describe the performance of a model under stated operating conditions and are covered by the model warranty.
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