Pakku Comics - Comic Vine
Pakku Character » Pakku appears in 2 issues . Master Pakku is a Waterbending master and instructor of the North Pole's Northern Water Tribe Waterbending classes.
Katara vs Pakku (ATLA: BOOK 2) - Battles - Comic Vine
Apr 13, 2022 · i think katara surpassed pakku in book 3. by book 2 he should still be above her slightly. by feats katara wins though, and even in book 2 she may have a raw power edge …
Jeong Jeong vs. Master Pakku - Battles - Comic Vine
Apr 20, 2016 · The Comet is a much bigger amp then the full moon, and amped jets let him get around Pakku's environmental advantage. For round 2, JJ's firewall is absolutely nuts, and a …
Avatar's Underrated Threats: Pakku - Gen. Discussion - Comic Vine
Sep 18, 2021 · Pakku. Pakku is one of the most underrated waterbenders in the Avatar universe in my opinion. This isn't a respect thread, it's a concise view of what makes Pakku a threat in …
Ming Hua vs Pakku - Battles - Comic Vine
Oct 11, 2016 · Pakku suffers from Ozai syndrome, in that he lacks feats without being amped. Though maybe a little less than Ozai. Season 1 Katara gave him a decent fight, though he …
Pakku vs Azula - Battles - Comic Vine
May 25, 2021 · Pakku AzulaWin by any meansBasic knowledgeIn characterStart 30 ft awayFight on Aystarr IslandRound 1. Pre-breakdown AzulaRound 2. Insane AzulaRound 3.
Pakku vs Combustion Man - Battles - Comic Vine
Apr 29, 2023 · Pakku Combustion Man. Win by any means; Basic knowledge; In character; Start 100 meters apart; Fight in the Northern Water Tribe during the Full Moon
Tenzin vs Pakku - Battles - Comic Vine
Pakku wins after a great fight. While in a neutral locale I favor Tenzin by a clear margin, the Pole & Nighttime Conditions all around edge things too notably to Pakku's side--it'd still be a ...
Katara VS Pakku - Battles - Comic Vine
Pakku was a Northern-style waterbending master and instructor who possessed immense skill and power, and was once regarded as the best waterbender in the world. Pakku himself had …
Master Pakku vs Azula - Battles - Comic Vine
Area - Northern Water Tribe Both at full power Battle 1 - Morals, full moon Battle 2- Morals, crescent moon Battle 3- Sunset, Morals Battle 4- noon