Can't Find Next Quest for Class Order Hall - Blizzard Support
The first Order Hall quest for a character may be acquired after completing the Legion introductory quest chain, in Dalaran above the Broken Isles.
Getting Your Second Artifact - Blizzard Support
To unlock your second artifact quest, you must progress far enough in your Order Hall campaign. If you are a Priest or Paladin, you must also complete A Falling Star. Each character class has a different quest to unlock their second artifact weapon. Death Knight: Blades of Destiny; Demon Hunter: In Pursuit of Power; Druid: Another Weapon of Old
Unlocking Your Class Mount - Blizzard Support
With the release of patch 9.1.5, you only need to complete the achievement "Breaching the Tomb" on one character across the entire account.
Can't Find Next Quest for Artifact Weapon - Blizzard Support
You can get your first Artifact Weapon quest in Dalaran after you complete the Legion introductory quest chain.
Unable to Complete Scenario for The Silver Hand - Stuck at Stage 6
When you are completing The Silver Hand quest scenario for the Holy Paladin Legion Artifact, you must kill a Horrific Aberration to complete stage 6. If you kill it too quickly, which can happen when you are over the target level scaling for Legion, it breaks the scenario and you cannot progress.
NPC Missing From Class Order Hall - Blizzard Support
Some Class Order Hall quests are given by or turned in to a follower. If you sent your follower on a Class Hall mission, you must wait until the follower returns.
Unlocking Covenant Transmogs - Blizzard Support
Your paladin reached 80 renown with Venthyr. This unlocks the paladin's ability to use Venthyr cosmetics while belonging to any other covenant. If your paladin wants to use Night Fae cosmetics in the same way, they'd first have to reach 80 renown with the Night Fae. Unlocking Armor-Specific Covenant Cosmetic Sets
Enhanced Level 70 Character Boost - Blizzard Support
The Enhanced Level 70 Character Boost service levels a character on your World of Warcraft account to level 70.
Can't Access Anniversary Realms - Blizzard Support
There are no known issues with logging into the WoW Anniversary realms. If you do not see the Anniversary realm list when you log into Classic Era, click the Change Realm button and select the Anniversary tab.
Purchase with Bronze Celebration Token Undelivered
What to do if a purchase with the tokens does not appear in your collection