Bear necessities, the palu fruits – Bio Diversity Sri Lanka
May 22, 2017 · For the black bear, there is no greater feast than palu fruits straight from the tree. This gastronomic delight makes the nocturnal creature forego its night time pursuits and get intoxicated by palu even during the day!
Manilkara hexandra - Wikipedia
Manilkara hexandra is a slow-growing but fairly large evergreen species. It grows in tropical and temperate forests. The tree typically attains some 12 to 25 metres tall and one to three metres in trunk circumference. The bark is grayish and rough.
Khirni facts and health benefits
Apr 9, 2021 · Its vernacular names differ regionally; for example Palu, Palai (பாலை) in Tamil or Rayan (පලු) in Sinhalese. It is locally known as the Khirni tree in parts of Bangladesh and India. In the Tamil language it is called Ulakkaippaalai or Kanuppaalai.
Palu is one of the many species at Dilmah Arboretum - Dilmah …
Palu. Scientific Name: Manilkara hexandra. Other Names: Palai. Zone: Size of Tree: Status: Average Height: Up to 20 meters. Identification. Straight and heavy trunk with blackish grey, deeply vertically furrowed bark. Canopy is dark green and compact. Leaves are oval in shape with a tapered base and slightly bi-lobed tip, 0.5-10 cm long 1.5-6 ...
Bear necessities, the palu fruits | The Sunday Times Sri Lanka
May 21, 2017 · For the black bear, there is no greater feast than palu fruits straight from the tree. This gastronomic delight makes the nocturnal creature forego its night time pursuits and get intoxicated by palu even during the day!
5 Top Benefits Of Jujube Fruit | Ber Fruit (Elantha Palam)
Jan 25, 2017 · 5 Top Benefits Of Jujube Fruit | Ber Fruit (Elantha Palam) Jujube fruit is a wonderful fruit with wonderful health benefits and medicinal uses. There is a jujube tree in my parent’s farm that produces ample fruits that are beautiful red color.
Ayurvedic Plants of Sri Lanka: Plants Details - Institute of Ayurveda
Flowers axillary, fascicled; pedicel thick, 1--1.8 cm; corolla white or light yellow, about 4 mm; lobes oblong, about 3 mm. Fruit a berry, obovoid-oblong to ellipsoid, 1--1.5 cm, 1- or 2-seeded. Seeds about 8--10 mm.
Palu Berry Season – By Rajiv Welikala – Classic Sri Lanka
Jun 7, 2018 · These sweet berries are found in abundance across the region during this time and the bears gorge themselves in this sweet treat. Often seen either in the tree tops or grazing for fallen berries at the bottom of the tree, these burly bruins are often too pre occupied with feasting to notice the jeeps of humans watching them.
Palu fruit x10 seeds (Manilkara hexandra) - sencirareseedsarea
Palu is a shrub or tree, growing from 3 - 12 metres tall. The plant is harvested from the wild, mainly for local use of its edible fruit. It is sometimes cultivated in the tropics and subtropics for this fruit.
Ayurvedic Plants of Sri Lanka: Plants Details - Institute of Ayurveda
Kiri palu (කිරිපලු) Tamil name: Kolamau Mudamaa Kolamaavu Pulimaa: Sanskrit name: Available soon Conservation status: EN - Endangered - NRL - 2020 Description: Medium-sized tree. Twigs glabrous.