Pathology Outlines - Hepatocellular carcinoma overview
Jun 18, 2024 · Shares some molecular alterations as those seen in adult HCC (i.e., WNT / telomerase pathway alterations) but with less frequent TP53 mutations (Pediatr Blood Cancer 2019;66:e27745)
DKK1+ tumor cells inhibited the infiltration of CCL19 ... - Nature
Nov 7, 2024 · Intra-tumor immune infiltration plays a pivotal role in the interaction with tumor cells in hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). However, its phenotype and related spatial structure remained...
Characterization of PD-L1, CD8, CD3, CD68 and PanCK in tumor ...
PD-L1+/- T-cells (CD3+), cytotoxic T-cells (CD3+ and CD8+), T helper cells (CD3+ and CD8-), macrophages (CD68+), and tumor cells (panCK+) were identified. Fractions of PD-L1+ phenotypes, area density and spatial relationships of phenotypes in pathologist-annotated tumor/peritumor regions, the panCK+ epithelial tumor and panCK- stroma were computed.
EpCAM-positive hepatocellular carcinoma cells are tumor …
Taken together, our results suggest that HCC growth and invasiveness is dictated by a subset of EpCAM(+) cells, opening a new avenue for HCC cancer cell eradication by targeting Wnt/beta-catenin signaling components such as EpCAM.
NOTCH-YAP1/TEAD-DNMT1 Axis Drives Hepatocyte
Apr 7, 2021 · Microscopically, most Dnmt1-transduced cells (V5-tag +;DNMT1 +) were panCK −;HNF4α + HCC-like tumors, whereas a small number of V5-tag +;DNMT1 +;panCK +;HNF4α − ICC nodules were also observed in Akt-Dnmt1 livers (Supplementary Figure 6).
Serial Changes of Circulating Tumor Cells in Patients with ...
Jun 29, 2024 · To evaluate the changes in molecular expression of CTCs in patients with HCC treated with Atezo+Bev, we designed an NGS panel comprising 373 genes associated with stem cell potency, epithelial–mesenchymal transition (EMT), HCC progression, and cancer immunotherapy (Table 4).
Integrated multi-omics profiling to dissect the spatiotemporal ...
Dec 14, 2023 · Tumor sections were first stained with markers for CAF (FAP), CD8 + T cells (CD8), and malignant cells (PanCK). We distinguished multiple regions of interest (ROIs) with rich infiltration of CAF and CD8 + T cells, creating custom areas of illumination (AOIs) for each cell-type segment within a ROI ( Figure 7 F).
856MO A randomized phase II study of concurrent vs. sequential ...
Cell densities (log % of total) for PD-L1 +, CD8T (CD3 + CD8 +), and Treg (CD3 + CD8-FOXP3 +) cells were computed within tumor (PanCK +) or stroma (PanCK-) compartment. Pre/on tx differences by patient were compared using two-sided paired t-test at FDR corrected α = 0.05.
Characterization of PD-L1, CD8, CD3, CD68 and PanCK in tumor microenvironment of Gl tract tumors with respect to patients’ mismatch repair status and anti-PD-1 treatment outcome using 5Plex IHC and whole slide image analysis
Kras and Tp53 mutations cause cholangiocyte- and hepatocyte …
Histologic analyses revealed that 7/9 mice had iCCA with characteristic ductal and glandular features and positive panCK staining, whereas a single animal developed HCC (Figure 2C, Supplemental Table 2).