Aug 13, 2019 · I'm using Solidworks 2019 and I'm trying to save a file as a parasolid so a customer using Solidworks 2013 can easily open it. My issue is that I don't know what version to save the file as so they can open it and I can't find a reference anywhere.
Import parasolid file - SOLIDWORKS Forums
Dec 10, 2019 · Import parasolid file II By Igor Ilyinskiy 12/10/19 Good afternoon, I need to import the assembly parasolid file (* .xmt_txt) into the assembly for which I use OpenDoc6 ()
for each component of the parasolid file. The file is approximately 90mb and is an assembly which contains over 2000 components. I have no experience importing parasolid files into SolidWorks, so any suggestions/help would be appreciated.
If I use a parasolid the solid bodies come in fine but only part of the wireframe is correctly loaded. Parasolid STEP files will let me import a complete wireframe along with the solid but the wireframe is all lines and splines, even when it should be arcs, the only file type I've found that will let me import a full correct wireframe is IGES ...
Sep 9, 2012 · The home for the SOLIDWORKS Forum. REAL People, REAL Experiences, REAL Knowledge.
I have tried simple names that would for sure work, and I have checked my disk space and I have plenty. It seems to only be a problem saving as a parasolid, and it isn't the CAD itself because when attempting to save as a parasolid on someone elses computer using the same geometry, it worked perfectly fine.
Export As Parasolid | SOLIDWORKS Forums
I have been searching for a macro that can take an assembly and convert every part underneath it to parasolid with the option to select where it is saving to. I have found a ton of them online but either it only saves the assembly (which I could have done with a simple save as) or it saves them to the same folder with no option to save them ...
SolidWorks and Parasolid import PM By Patrick Meteer 10/18/16 Solidworks used to import parasolids and use the names from the exporting software as part names.
MACRO - Save As Parasolid with Revision after Part Number
Save each part of open assembly as parasolid(x_t) Add underscore with revision(rev) if rev is A-Z; however if Rev = - ,do not add underscore or revision after part number If part has several configurations, prompt user to choose which configuration should be used for Save As
I need though to be able to save each of the 10 parts individally from the assembly ie end up with 10 individual parasolid files. Currently I have to open the assembly, isolate save as etc etc. A macro would be great if it extists anywhere. Even better if you could select which parts our of the assembly to export as parasolids as individual files.