[The early or late administration of Paratect Flex bolus in heifers]
The effect of the time of administration of the Paratect Flex -Bolus (PF-Bolus) on the course of infections with gastrointestinal nematodes was investigated in a field experiment with three groups of 9 first year grazing heifers in the Swiss midland region.
Rumatel(TM) premix and conventional bolus formulations, respectively. The utility of a sustained release formulation containing morantel against gastrointestinal nematodes was first demonstrated...
[Control of gastrointestinal strongylids in first year calves: use of ...
The efficacy of the Paratect Flex-Bolus for the control of parasitic gastroenteritis in calves was evaluated in a field experiment in the Swiss midland region. The bolus was administered to 9 first year grazing calves at 4 to 5 months of age before turnout on June 26 while 9 …
[The effectiveness of the new morantel sustained-release
The efficacy of a recently developed Morantel-Sustained-Release-Trilaminate-Bolus (Paratect Flex Bolus [PFB]-Pfizer Inc.) against gastrointestinal nematode infections in cattle was assessed by monitoring faecal egg counts (EpG), herbage larval counts, serum pepsinogen levels and liveweight gains in …
Intraruminal devices - ScienceDirect
Dec 8, 1997 · One of the earliest examples of a commercially successful product for once per season treatment of a parasitic infestations using a ruminal bolus is found in the work of Dresback and others at Pfizer 36, 37, 38, 39 which summarizes the development of the Paratect® bolus. This product was designed to provide continuous administration of the ...
Formulation and technology aspects of conrolled drug delivery in ...
Jul 1, 2000 · The Paratect Flex ® Bolus (Pfizer Animal Health, New York, NY, USA) is a device designed to treat cattle with prophylactic doses of an anthelmintic intended to prevent the establishment of gastrointestinal worms throughout the entire grazing season. If untreated, cattle infested by these parasites will present clinical signs such as ...
Manoeuvring the innovative drug delivery systems for veterinary ...
Jul 17, 2024 · The Paratect Flex® Bolus is used for treating parasitic gastroenteritis in cattle. The intraruminal administration of the Paratect bolus results in a controlled release of morantel tartrate over 90 days.
The Paratect Flex Bolus is a device designed to treat cattle with prophylactic doses of an anthelmintic intended to prevent the establishment of gastrointestinal worms throughout the entire grazing season.
Use of a new, non-metallic, slow-release bolus, Paratect
Article: Use of a new, non-metallic, slow-release bolus, Paratect Flex N.D., for the prevention of gastrointestinal parasitism in cattle. Results o In five trials conducted in different regions of France during 1988, 15-21 calves given the morantel tartrate bolus were introduced to contaminated...
Use of Paratect Bolus for reducing gastrointestinal helminth ...
Paratect boluses were field tested in 1983 on 2 farms in the Luneburger Heide (GFR) for the prevention of gastrointestinal nematodes in 27 calves and 42 helminth-free 2-year-olds. The animals were grazed from May to October on pasture used by infected cattle in the previous year.