Example parsers to learn how to write them - Stack Overflow
A parser is a program which processes an input and "understands" it. A parser generator is a tool used to write parsers. I guess you mean you want to learn more about generating parsers, in …
parsing - Writing an HTML Parser - Stack Overflow
Aug 25, 2011 · The specification also contains the section § 13.2 Parsing HTML documents, where it outlines how a User Agent (your parser) should parse a html document into a DOM …
What's the difference between a parser and a scanner?
Jun 22, 2016 · A parser converts this list of tokens into a Tree-like object to represent how the tokens fit together to form a cohesive whole (sometimes referred to as a sentence). In terms of …
Difference between compilers and parsers? - Stack Overflow
Dec 17, 2009 · A parser is a piece of software that evaluates the syntax of a script when it is executed on a web server. For scripting languages used on the web, the parser works like a …
How to use argparse subparsers correctly? - Stack Overflow
@chepner something that I'm not able to find a good example of is how to execute code based on the passed argument. Typically with a single parser i'd have args = parser.parse_args() then …
Efficient Context-Free Grammar parser, preferably Python-friendly
The separation of tokenizer and parser is an arbitrary legacy from tools like LEX/YACC, and from times in which computing power was such that even thinking about a single-pass compiler was …
parsing - How to build an HTML parser? - Stack Overflow
Sep 26, 2013 · Here is a naive JS example - although it's not a complete implementation. (I've included no support for <empty /> elements; for <!-- comments -->; for &entities;; for …
python argparse: unrecognized arguments - Stack Overflow
option = parser.parse_args() If you do pass sys.argv to parse_args, then the path or name of the script itself is the first item in sys.argv and thus becomes the value of option.filename. The …
Argparse: Required arguments listed under "optional arguments"?
I use the following simple code to parse some arguments; note that one of them is required. Unfortunately, when the user runs the script without providing the argument, the displayed …
Python: Typehints for argparse.Namespace objects
Feb 28, 2017 · Update 2. Per hpaulj's comment, the closest thing I could find to the method described above that would "magically" extract the attributes of the parsed object is something …