Patacara - Wikipedia
Paṭacārā or Patachara was a notable female figure in Buddhism, described in the Pali Canon. Among the female disciples of Gautama Buddha, she was the foremost exponent of the …
Patacara - Tibetan Buddhist Encyclopedia
Patacara was a notable female figure in Buddhism, described in the Pali Canon. Among the female disciples of Gautama Buddha, she was the foremost exponent of the Vinaya, the rules …
Patachara and her Student Chanda - Barre Center for Buddhist …
Patachara and Chanda are two of the first female disciples of the Buddha, but they are also teacher and student. Patachara was the leader of a group of ordained bound together by the …
04. The Story about the Elder Nun Patacara - Ancient Buddhist Texts
In the fourth story, “Amongst those who bear the Discipline in mind, that is to say, Paṭācārā,” it shows why the Elder Nun Paṭācārā, amongst those who bore the Discipline in mind, was said …
Patachara - Life History - Wordict Post
On being a bhikkhuni, this sad woman became famous by the name of Patachara. The sad events of his life were also associated with this name. The former name of Patachara is not known to …
Life of Buddha: The Story of Lady Patacara (Part One) - buddhanet.net
During the Buddha’s lifetime there was a rich man who had a charming daughter called Patacara. Her parents loved her so much that they kept her in the seventh storey of their mansion and …
The tragic story of Bhikkhuni Patachara - Sunday Observer
Dec 23, 2012 · Patachara, realised the absolute truth – All desires extinguished – Rebirth ceased. Patachara too destroyed her desires and attained the Bless of Nirvana and achieved …
Patacara - Wikiwand
Paṭacārā or Patachara was a notable female figure in Buddhism, described in the Pali Canon. Among the female disciples of Gautama Buddha, she was the foremost exponent of the …
The Story of Theri Patacara-Buddhism - Jendhamuni
Patacara was the daughter of a rich man from Savatthi. She was very beautiful and was guarded very strictly by her parents. But one day, she eloped with a young male attendant of the family …
Dhammapada | The Story of Patacara* - Sariputta
When she approached the Buddha, he said to her, "Patacara, sons and daughters cannot look after you; so even if they are alive they do not exist for you. The wise man observes morality …