WO2010017135A2 - Novel forms of eperisone - Google Patents
the substantially enantiopure crystalline salt forms of eperisone possess substantially the same pharmacological activity as racemic eperisone hydrochloride, and are useful for treating and/or...
US20110281911A1 - Novel forms of eperisone - Google Patents
The substantially enantiopure crystalline salt forms of eperisone according to various embodiments of the invention are also useful for treating and/or preventing disorders that arise from...
EP0310259B1 - Eperisone as a hypotensive agent - Google Patents
The effects of eperisone hydrochloride given once by oral administration on the blood pressure and heart beat were compared with those of nicardipine hydrochloride.
Eperisone - Manfaat, dosis dan efek samping - Alodokter
Eperisone adalah obat untuk mengatasi ketegangan otot atau melemaskan otot yang kaku sehingga dapat meredakan nyeri otot. Eperisone tidak boleh digunakan sembarangan dan harus dikonsumsi sesuai resep dokter.
NOVEL FORMS OF EPERISONE - Patent application
[0062] The novel crystalline forms of eperisone according to various embodiments of the invention possess substantially the same pharmacological activity as racemic eperisone hydrochloride, and are useful for treating and/or preventing the discomfort, muscle spasm, stiffness, or myotonic conditions associated with painful musculoskeletal ...
Eperisone - Wikipedia
Eperisone (formulated as the eperisone hydrochloride salt) is an antispasmodic drug. Eperisone acts by relaxing both skeletal muscles and vascular smooth muscles, and demonstrates a variety of effects such as reduction of myotonia, improvement of circulation, and suppression of …
Beli Eperisone 50 mg 10 Tablet di Halodoc - 1 Jam Sampai
EPERISONE TABLET merupakan obat yang mengandung Eperisone HCl. Eperisone HCl bekerja sebagai relaksan otot atau melemaskan otot rangka dan otot polos vaskular, yang menghasilkan pengurangan myotonia, peningkatan sirkulasi, dan penekanan refleks rasa sakit.
Eperisone hydrochloride production method - Eureka | Patsnap
Aug 7, 2013 · The method comprises four technological steps, wherein effectively preparing piperidine hydrochloride is prepared through step a; mannich base is further synthesized through step b; a crude eperisone hydrochloride product is obtained by step c; and the eperisone hydrochloride is finely produced by step d.
Eperisone Hoe 50 Mg Tablet - Manfaat, Dosis, Efek Sa... - K24Klik
Eperisone merupakan obat generik yang digunakan untuk merelaksasi otot pada kondisi kejang otot atau spasme muskuloskeletal. Zat aktif Eperisone HCl yaitu obat antispasmodik yang bekerja dengan melemaskan otot rangka dan otot polos pembuluh darah sehingga menyebabkan vasodilatasi atau pelebaran pembuluh darah dan mengurangi rasa sakit pada otot.
Myonal 50 mg 10 Tablet - Halodoc
MYONAL 50 MG TABLET merupakan obat dengan kandungan Eperisone HCl 50 mg per tablet. Eperisone adalah obat antispasmodik yang bekerja sebagai relaksan otot/melemaskan otot rangka dan otot polos vaskular, yang menghasilkan pengurangan myotonia, peningkatan sirkulasi, dan penekanan refleks rasa sakit.
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