Statue of Meleager, with modern head - Roman art - Galleria …
In this statue, Meleager is portrayed nude, except for a mantle called a chlamys. The figure is leaning against a tree trunk and supported by a spear. There is a dog to his right and the head of a wild boar, pinned by the spear, to his left.
Meleager | Antico (Pier Jacopo di Antonio Alari-Bonacolsi) | V&A ...
The statuette represents the mythical character Meleager, the heir to the throne of Calydon, a city in Greece. His father had offended the goddess Artemis, who sent a great boar to attack his homeland. Here Meleager is poised to kill the boar. The design is …
Statue of Meleager - The Art Institute of Chicago
The statue depicts the legendary Greek hunter Meleager, who earned his fame by killing a ferocious boar that terrorized the people of Calydon.
Meleager (L'Antico sculpture) - Wikipedia
Meleager is a bronze sculpture of the mythological figure Meleager by the Italian Renaissance sculptor Pier Jacopo Alari Bonacolsi, known by his contemporaries as l'Antico, and to art history as Antico. The sculpture is now in the Victoria and Albert Museum in London.
Kunsthistorisches Museum: Meleager
Meleager The first plaquettes were created around 1440 in Rome as impressions of antique gems. Such small, single-sided bronze reliefs with depictions of mythological and historical subjects or antique and contemporary sovereigns were eagerly collected and traded.
Statue of Meleager (Illustration) - World History Encyclopedia
Oct 30, 2019 · This much-amended statue of the mythical hunter Meleager goes back to a Greek bronze sculpture from around 340-330 BCE. It was the only sculptural decoration in a hall with galleries that overlooked the sea.
Meleager | Museum of Classical Archaeology Databases
The hero Meleager is shown with a boar’s head and a hunting dog. One of the myths featuring Meleager is that Artemis sent a boar to ravage the land of Kalydon for failing to make enough sacrifices to her.
Meleager, mythical hunter - Unknown — Google Arts & Culture
This much-restored statue of the mythical hunter Meleager, a Roman Imperial copy of a Greek original, is representative of a group of characteristic acquisitions by the Berlin Collection of...
Head of Meleager | Kimbell Art Museum
This head is from a Roman copy of a full-length statue by the famed fourth-century-B.C. Greek sculptor Skopas. It showed the mythological hero Meleager with a hunting dog and the head of the Kalydonian boar.
Meleager – Museum of Fine Arts, Budapest
The statue shows Meleager after the Calydonian boar hunt. He has already defeated the enormous boar, which the gods had sent to punish the Calydonians. Meleager stands naked and barefoot, as heroes usually do, he only wears a short mantle fastened at the right shoulder.