Pave Penny - Wikipedia
The Lockheed Martin AN/AAS-35(V) Pave Penny is a laser spot tracker carried by US Air Force attack aircraft and fighter-bombers to enable them to track a laser spot on the ground. It is a receiver only, allowing the pilot to see which targets marked by a laser designator.
A-10 Thunderbolt II > 10th Air Force > Display
In 1978, the aircraft received the Pave Penny laser receiver pod, which sensed reflected laser radiation from a laser designator. Pave Penney has now been discontinued in favor more capable advanced targeting pods. The A-10 began receiving an inertial navigation system in 1980.
A-10C THUDERBOLT II > 175th Wing > Display
And, it has a Pave Penny laser spot tracker system; a heads-up display to display flight and weapons delivery information; and a low altitude safety and targeting enhancement system, which provides constantly computed impact and release points for accurate ordnance delivery.
PAVE PENNY - Smart Weapons
Feb 19, 1998 · Pave Penny is a passive laser tracker which uses reflected laser energy to give the pilot precise target location. It uses a cockpit-selectable four-digit code and can use either a ground or airborne designator. Pave Penny is used by A-10 and A-7 aircraft. The current Pave Penny laser spot seeker is becoming unreliable and unsupportable.
A-10 THUNDERBOLT II: Celebrating 50 Years - Aviation …
May 14, 2022 · In 1978, the A-10 received the Pave Penny laser receiver pod, which receives reflected laser radiation from laser designators to allow the aircraft to deliver laser guided bombs. The Pave Penny pod is carried on a pylon mounted below the right side of the cockpit and has a clear view of the ground.
Pave Penny - YouTube
Dec 10, 2015 · The Lockheed Martin AN/AAS-35(V) Pave Penny is a laser spot tracker carried by US Air Force attack aircraft and fighter-bombers to enable them to track a las...
What is this device in the nose of the A-10 Warthog? : r/aviation - Reddit
Jan 13, 2021 · It's a PAVE PENNY. Basically it "spots" lasers that other friendly aircraft or ground units have emitted, and uses that information to lock it's weapons on that laser. It's not a camera, and cannot designate targets by itself. It's also not a Laser Transmitter, so it cannot send a laser for others to see.
If the Pave Penny doesn't have a laser designator, is there a
The A-10C never really used the Pave Penny pod, in favour of simply using a LITENING pod instead (which has both a search and track AND a designator). The older A-10A model was initially made to only use the Pave Penny, but was "field engineered" to use a targeting pod and feed the image to the less than ideal small Maverick seeker screen.
A-10 Pave Penny Pod & Pylon - Aircraft Modern - Britmodeller.com
Dec 5, 2016 · Does anyone have an plans/drawings of the pave penny pylon & pod for the A-10? Thanks Julien
[1.0] A-10: Development & Description - AirVectors
The Pave Penny was a "laser spot tracker", which picked up the spot on which a laser target designator was focused and relayed its position on the pilot's HUD. The Pave Penny pod was not a laser target designator, and in fact it didn't even have laser rangefinder capability.