Post-Concussion Symptom Scale (PCSS) - NeurologyToolKit
The Post-Concussion Symptom Scale (PCSS) was originally published in 1998 in the Journal of Head Trauma Rehabilitation. It was originally developed as part of the Pittsburgh Steelers concussion management programme. The measure consists of 22 questions that relate to post-concussive symptoms.
Post-Concussion Symptom Scale ( PCSS ) Instructions: For each item, indicate how much the symptom has bothered you over the past 2 days. Symptoms None Mild Moderate Severe
Concussion Test: Assessment Types & How to Interpret Results
Jan 12, 2022 · The post-concussion symptom scale (PCSS) is a self-reported test in which you rank 21 symptoms by severity (none to severe) at baseline and at various time points. Symptoms cover physical, thinking, sleep and emotional functioning.
Post-Concussion Syndrome Tests: Know If You Have PCS
Jun 28, 2024 · How We Test for and Treat Post-Concussion Syndrome. At Cognitive FX, we diagnose post-concussion syndrome with a combination of imaging, physical tests, cognitive tests, and self-reported symptoms. Post-Concussion Symptom Scale (PCSS)
The PCSS: When is it Concussion/PCS? Who's at ... - Complete …
Mar 4, 2024 · Discover the history, utility, and limitations of the Post-Concussion Symptom Scale (PCSS), a vital tool for diagnosing and managing concussions. From baseline testing to prognosis, learn how this global standard enhances concussion assessment and research.
Responsiveness of the Post-Concussion Symptom Scale to …
The Post-Concussion Symptom Scale (PCSS) is used to assess the number and intensity of symptoms after a concussion/mild traumatic brain injury. However, its responsiveness to monitor clinical recovery has yet to be determined. To evaluate the ...
ConcussionManagement.com None 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 SYMPTOMS Date: Date: Date: Date: Date: Date: Date: Title: Post Concussion Symptom Scale Created Date: 20180125183134Z
Please rate your symptoms as you have felt over the past 2-3 days according to the scale below (0-6) by circling the ONE number that represents your status best.
Post-Concussion Symptoms Scale (PCSS) | ImPACT Version 4
Post-Concussion Symptoms Scale (PCSS) This section describes the symptoms and the level of endorsement of those symptoms by the individual. The higher the level of reported symptoms, the more likely it is that the reported symptoms interfere with the individual’s performance.
A rating of 0 means you (DOS = Date test) have not experienced this symptom today. A rating of 6 means you have experienced severe problems with this symptom today. This information is provided by our sports concussion specialists.