Pentozali - Wikipedia
The Pentozali or Pentozalis (Greek: Πεντοζάλης) is the trademark folk dance of the island of Crete. It takes its name from the fifth ( pente ) attempt or step (ζάλος zalos being a Cretan Greek word for "step") of the Cretan people to liberate Crete from the Ottoman Empire .
Pentozali is a very ancient war dance and in the past it was danced only by men. Now it is danced by women too. Its origin is from the ancient war dance, the...
Pentozali, the Gravity-Defying Traditional Dance of Crete
Aug 25, 2024 · Pentozali, or Pentozalis, is a gravity-defying traditional dance from the Greek island of Crete, where traditional ways of life still hold strong in many areas of the island. There are many traditions that characterize the different regions of …
"Σαν θες να μάθεις" - Κουρήτες - Πεντοζάλι - Μαρτσάκης …
Από την μαγνητοσκοπημένη μετάδοση από το Μέγαρο Μουσικής : "ΗΘΟΣ ΑΡΜΟΝΙΩΝ, ΓΕΝΩΝ ΚΑΙ ΡΥΘΜΩΝ: ΜΟΥΣΙΚΗ ΠΑΡΑΔΟΣΗ ΜΕ ΤΟΝ ΠΑΝΑΓΙΩΤΗ ΜΥΛΩΝΑ". (http://tvradio.ert.g...
Pentozali Dance of Crete 2011 - YouTube
Mar 15, 2011 · High school and college dancers at the 2011 St. Katherine Greek Orthodox Church Festival in Melbourne, Florida execute fancy footwork as they perform the traditional Cretan Pentozali. Featuring...
Pentozális - Fort Collins Folk Dance
The Pentozali or Pentozalis (Greek: Πεντοζάλης) is the trademark folk dance of the island of Crete. It takes its name from the fifth (pente) attempt or step (ζάλος zalos being a Cretan Greek word for “step”) of the Cretan people to liberate Crete from the Ottoman Empire.
Folk Dance Musings ©: Pentozális - Πεντοζάλης (Greece)
May 23, 2015 · Taught by Sonny Newman, Athan Karras, Chris Tasulis, Dick Oakes and many others. This is a common dance from Crete. According to some of the linked sources below, it's supposed to be a war dance with acrobatic movements that represent the agility needed to work on a ship in rough seas. There are many many many variations on this dance.
Pentozali: The traditional dance of Crete (VIDEO-PHOTOS)
May 2, 2018 · Closely related to the tradition, Pentozali is a purely martial dance that wants to declare the uprising, heroism, and hope of the Cretans. Several references to the origin of the dance are made regarding the Minoan Dances and the Kourites, who danced with similar steps and movements an armed dance named Pyrrhic also known in Athens and Sparta.
Pentozali Greek Dance Lesson Video
Watch the video lesson to learn the steps and moves of the Cretan Greek dance Pentozali. Listen to the Greek music for this dance as well!
Pentozali - Wikiwand
The Pentozali or Pentozalis is the trademark folk dance of the island of Crete. It takes its name from the fifth (pente) attempt or step of the Cretan people to liberate Crete from the Ottoman Empire.