Perchlorate - Wikipedia
A perchlorate is a chemical compound containing the perchlorate ion, ClO− 4, the conjugate base of perchloric acid (ionic perchlorate). As counterions, there can be metal cations, quaternary ammonium cations or other ions, for example, nitronium cation (NO+ 2). The term perchlorate can also describe perchlorate esters or covalent perchlorates. [2]
Perchlorate | ClO4- | CID 123351 - PubChem
Perchlorate is a monovalent inorganic anion obtained by deprotonation of perchloric acid. It is a monovalent inorganic anion and a chlorine oxoanion. It is a conjugate base of a perchloric acid. COD records with this CID as component. Computed by Lexichem TK 2.7.0 (PubChem release 2021.10.14) Computed by InChI 1.0.6 (PubChem release 2021.10.14)
Perchlorates | Public Health Statement | ATSDR - Centers for …
The terms perchlorate or perchlorate anion refer to a negatively charged group of atoms consisting of a central chlorine atom bonded to four oxygen atoms. Perchlorate has the molecular formula ClO4 .
Perchlorate Clinical Pharmacology and Human Health: A Review
Perchlorate (ClO 4−) is the dissociated anion of perchlorate salts such as potassium perchlorate, sodium perchlorate, and ammonium perchlorate. Potassium perchlorate was primarily used as a pharmaceutical agent for the treatment of hyperthyroidism.
Perchlorate - Department of Toxic Substances Control
Feb 22, 2022 · Perchlorate (ClO 4–) is both naturally occurring and a man-made contaminant that is increasingly found in groundwater, surface water and soil. Most perchlorate manufactured in the U.S. is used as an oxidizer in solid fuel for rockets and missiles.
Perchlorate | FDA - U.S. Food and Drug Administration
Perchlorate is a naturally occurring and manmade chemical that is present in the environment and occurs in some drinking water systems and in foods. Perchlorate levels may vary widely even...
Sodium perchlorate - Wikipedia
Sodium perchlorate is an inorganic compound with the chemical formula Na Cl O 4. It consists of sodium cations Na+ and perchlorate anions ClO− 4. It is a white crystalline, hygroscopic solid that is highly soluble in water and ethanol. It is usually encountered as sodium perchlorate monohydrate NaClO4·H2O.
Perklorat – Wikipedija
Perklorati su one tvari koje sadrže anion ClO 4- (npr. KClO 4). Perkloratni ioni su slabo reaktivni, iako su potencijalno vrlo jaki oksidansi. Jedan od najkorištenijih perklorata jest amonijev perklorat, koji se koristi u raketnoj tehnici, kao čvrsto gorivo.
Perklorat - Wikipedia bahasa Indonesia, ensiklopedia bebas
Perklorat adalah garam yang berasal dari asam perklorat (H Cl O 4). Perklorat sering kali dihasilkan melalui proses alami, namun juga dapat dihasilkan secara buatan. Garam ini telah digunakan selama lima puluh tahun untuk mengobati penyakit kelenjar tiroid.
Perklorat – Wikipedia
Perklorater är salter av perklorsyra och innehåller perklorat jonen Cl O 4–. Perklorater är oxiderande, men är inte lika reaktiva som klorider, klorater eller hypokloriter. Detta är lite av en paradox då kloratomen i perklorat har oxidationstillstånd +7. Det är extremt högt och perklorat har också en hög redoxpotential.