How to Cope With and Mourn the Loss of a Pet - Cleveland Clinic …
Oct 4, 2021 · Dealing with the loss of a pet is often one of the hardest things you’ll experience. A Cleveland Clinic expert shares tips on how best to grieve the loss of a pet.
My Pet Died & I Can’t Stop Crying: 12 Steps to Cope
Oct 25, 2023 · 12 Steps to Cope With Pet Loss and Grief. Finding healthy ways to cope can lessen the pain and help you come to terms with your loss. Below are important steps to assist you in working through the pain and begin healing. The strategies work pretty much the same for pet loss by natural death or euthanasia. #1. Process what happened
How Do I Overcome the Grief of Losing My Pet? - Verywell Mind
Dec 19, 2023 · While some people are taken aback by how sad and stricken they are when their pet dies, that sadness is a completely normal occurrence. Grief is "what we feel inside, our natural reaction, in response to loss," says Juliet Kuehnle, licensed therapist and author of Who You Callin' Crazy? "It's the price we pay for loving something," she explains.
What to Say When Someone Loses a Pet - Good Housekeeping
Apr 30, 2023 · For inspiration, scroll through these sympathetic expressions for what you can say (and what you shouldn’t) when a pet dies: Saying the wrong thing can lead to hurt feelings and sour some of the...
5 Ways to Cope When a Pet Dies - Psychology Today
May 7, 2021 · Pets have always been a loving source of resilience, buffering pain, loss, and loneliness. What happens when a pet dies? How do we cope?
Coping With Your Pet's Death: An Important Guide | PetMD
Apr 10, 2017 · The days and weeks surrounding a pet’s death are never easy, but caring professionals and fellow animal lovers can help ease the burden. Here’s what pet parents can expect as they navigate the healing process.
7 Self-Care Essentials While Grieving the Death of a Pet
Feb 13, 2017 · The death of your pet and companion animal can be just as painful as losing a family member. Here are seven essential self-care strategies to help you through.
Grieving the Loss of a Pet: Why It’s So Hard and Tips for Coping
Jul 22, 2024 · Recent research has proven that, due to the nature of pets and our proximity to them, losing a pet really does cause genuine and significant grief, and a person’s support system can play a big role in recovering from the loss.
How to Deal with the Tragic Death of Your Dog - Psychology …
Mar 30, 2021 · The death of a pet can be so painful that it feels tragic, but when a pet dies in a horrific way, the sense of tragedy is even worse. Knowing how to cope is key to healing.
How to cope with the death of your pet | Humane World for …
Sometimes it's hard for others to understand your loss or extend sympathy. Here's how to take care of yourself and family members while mourning the loss of a pet.