Home - PHILEXPORT Portal
The Philippine Exporters Confederation, Inc. (PHILEXPORT) is the umbrella organization of Philippine exporters accredited under the Export Development Act (EDA) of 1994. It is a non-stock, non-profit private organization born out of the unification of the Philippine Exporters Foundation and the Confederation of Philippine Exporters last August ...
The Philippine Exporters Confederation, Inc. or PHILEXPORT is the country’s umbrella organization of exporters that is mandated under the Export Development Act of 1994 to strengthen the country’s export industry through its advocacy, export …
Membership - PHILEXPORT Portal
Through this service, PHILEXPORT provides members with information on prospective buyers, suppliers and other partners to facilitate sourcing of raw materials and intermediate goods needed for production.
Contact Us - PHILEXPORT Portal
Email: [email protected]; [email protected] Department Telephone Number: 8230-5555 loc. 532 to 534
PHILEXPORT CAR - Cordillera Administrative Region Trade & Exports Philis. Inc. DTI-CAR, 2F Pine Lake View Bldg., Benguet 2600 Baguio City Tel. nos.: (63-74) 619-2722; (63-74) 620-1130; (63-74) 446-3042 Mobile no.: (63-917) 545-6181 Fax nos.: (63-74) 619-2722; (63-74) 620-1130; (074) 619-367 Email: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]
PHILEXPORT is committed to work for the continuing development of the Philippines and the prosperity of the Filipinos through exports. We are committed to be the leading and dominant export organization, which, in partnership with business and government, shall propel the country towards a dynamic and self-sustaining economy. MISSION
PHILEXPORT CAR CORDILLERA ADMINISTRATIVE REGION TRADE & EXPORTS PHILS. INC. Km. 6, Sto. Tomas Rd., Brgy. Dontogan 2600 Baguio City Tel: (63-74) 619-2722; (63-74) 620-1130; (63-74) 446-3042 Mobile: 0917-545 6181 Fax: (63-74) 619-2722; (63-74) 620-1130 ; (074) 619-367 Email: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], marshapaso Website: www.philexportcar.org PHILEXPORT ...
Client Profile Registration System (CPRS) - PHILEXPORT Portal
PHILEXPORT is among the BOC accrediting offices as per Customs Memorandum Order (CMO) 39-2008. Export transactions cannot be processed unless the client is duly registered with the CPRS. The following are the BOC Circulars covering the CPRS implementation:
Board of Trustees, Executive Officers, and Managers - PHILEXPORT
GOVERNMENT PRIVATE SECTOR EXECUTIVE OFFICERS MANAGERS Sec. Ma. Cristina Aldeguer-Roque Secretary, Department of Trade and Industry Usec. Ceferino S. Rodolfo Undersecretary, Industry Development and Trade Investment Promotion Group, Department of Trade and Industry Mr. Thomas Benjamin B. Marcelo Managing Director, Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas Usec. Ceferino S. Rodolfo Vice Chairman & Managing ...
Online Application Form - PHILEXPORT Portal
PHILEXPORT Membership HOW TO APPLY Obtain application forms from the Membership Department or download from the website. Applicant submits the following documents to the same department or online: fully accomplished application forms; business name registration (SEC, DTI, CDA or BMBE); audited financial statement or interim balance sheet ...