Phonolite - Wikipedia
Phonolite is an uncommon shallow intrusive or extrusive rock, of intermediate chemical composition between felsic and mafic, with texture ranging from aphanitic (fine-grained) to porphyritic (mixed fine- and coarse-grained).
响岩 - 百度百科
岩石呈灰白色或深灰色,略具脂肪光泽。常呈小型岩丘或岩流产出。若其中仅有霞石一种副长石,则可称响岩;若白榴石是最丰富的副长石,则称白榴石响岩(leucite phonolite),以此类推。
Phonolite | Volcanic, Igneous, Intrusive | Britannica
Phonolite, any member of a group of extrusive igneous rocks (lavas) that are rich in nepheline and potash feldspar. The typical phonolite is a fine-grained, compact igneous rock that splits into thin, tough plates which make a ringing sound when struck by a hammer, hence the rock’s name.
Phonolite: Mineral information, data and localities. - mindat.org
11 photos of Phonolite associated with Aegirine: NaFe 3+ Si 2 O 6: 8 photos of Phonolite associated with Tuperssuatsiaite: Fe 3+ Fe 3+ 2 (Na ) 2 Si 8 O 20 (OH) 2 (H 2 O) 4 · 2H 2 O: 5 photos of Phonolite associated with Nepheline: Na 3 K(Al 4 Si 4 O 16) 5 photos of Phonolite associated with Melanite: Ca 3 (Fe 3+,Ti) 2 (SiO 4) 3: 5 photos of ...
响岩:性质、产状、成分 » 地质科学
响岩是一种火山岩,属于火成岩家族。 它的特点是其独特的矿物成分和质地,使其有别于其他火山岩。 “phonolite”这个名字源自希腊语“phōnē”,意思是声音,“lithos”,意思是石头,突出了它的显着特征之一。
Phonolite : Properties, Occurrence, Compositions - Geology Science
Nov 20, 2023 · Phonolite is a type of volcanic rock that belongs to the family of igneous rocks. It is characterized by its unique mineral composition and texture, which set it apart from other volcanic rocks. The name "phonolite" is derived from the Greek words "phōnē," meaning sound, and "lithos," meaning stone, highlighting one of its distinctive features.
Phonotephrite and phonolite in the Tarim Large Igneous Province ...
Sep 1, 2021 · In this paper, we report Mg-Sr-Nd isotopic data on phonotephrites and phonolite dykes from the TLIP and it is the first time that phonolitic dikes with similar light Mg isotopic characteristics to carbonatite have been found in this area.
Phonolite - SpringerLink
Nephelinitoid phonolite—a general term for a phonolite in which feldspathoids are more abundant than feldspars. Tinguaite —a textural variety of phonolite typically found in dykes; feldspar and nepheline phenocrysts are in a groundmass containing conspicuous acicular crystals of acmite arranged in a radial or criss-cross pattern (Tingua Mts ...
Phonolite - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics
Phonolite is a subvolcanic rock variety characterized by the presence of variable amounts of pyroxene and phenocrysts of sanidine, nepheline, diopside, nosean, kaersutite, and titanite, embedded in a groundmass of mainly nepheline and sanidine microlites.
白榴石响岩 - 百度百科
白榴石响岩(leucite phonolite )斑状结构,斑晶为白榴石、透长石,有时有碱性辉石和黑云母。 无霞石斑晶; 基质成分与斑晶相同。 白榴石不稳定,常被透长石和霞石交代,但保留白榴石晶形,称假白榴石,这时可称为假白榴石响岩。