what are "pig eyes" - The Horse Forum
Dec 29, 2012 · When a horse has 'pig eyes' it means its eyes are very small in relation to the size of its head. A horse's eyes should be fairly large and take up a good portion of its skull. Based on that picture, I'd say your horse is pig eyed.
Is he "Pig Eyed?" - The Horse Forum
Nov 23, 2013 · A pig eyed horse has small eyes for the size of the head. They are often almond shaped and noticeably small. Pig eyed horses may have limited rearward peripheral vision.
The Eyes Have It - - The Northwest Horse Source
Jul 1, 2012 · Horses have remarkable eyes. They can, at one time or another, and sometimes in combination, have a feather in the eye, a glass eye, a pig eye, a smoky eye or a walleye. In addition they have both monocular and binocular vision.
Is he “pig eyed” ? : r/Equestrian - Reddit
No, the person you responded to is wrong, pig eyed is a conformation term and has nothing to do with the whites of the eyes being visible. However, seeing the whites of a horse’s eyes absolutely can indicate discomfort, stress, or fear, so in that sense …
Pig eyed? - The Horse Forum
Sep 28, 2011 · Pig Eyed horses usually can see just fine (and this horse is not pig eyed). They just look odd because their eyes seem small for the size of the yead. OTOH there are eye diseases and dysfunctions which may affect this horse.
Equine conformation - Wikipedia
A horse with pig eye has unusually small eyes. This is primarily an aesthetic issue, but claimed by some to be linked to stubbornness or nervousness, and thought to decrease the horse's visual field. The lower jaw should be clearly defined.
What Is Pig Eye In Horses? - Great American Adventures
Nov 29, 2022 · A ‘pig eye’ is a small eye, sometimes rounder and also a fault. Muzzle: Like the poll and forehead, the muzzle should be broad with large nostrils. ‘Tea cup’ muzzle are a fault, directly affecting the ability for the horse to draw in air, as well, disrupting proper tooth rooting.
The Eyes Have It - Western Horseman
Nov 21, 2023 · A “bad eye” might describe a horse that looks at the world as though it’s bothered, irritated, unhappy, stupid or dangerous. Sometimes, it merely means that a horse is “pig-eyed” (small, unattractive sunken eyes), and it’s purely genetics fault.
Horse Eyes - Don Blazer
A pig eye is a small squinty eye, and a horse with pig eyes is generally considered to be stubborn and hard to handle. (Could it be he just doesn't see things clearly?) A pop eye is the opposite of a pig eye; it is the description given to an eye that seems to …
Practical Horse Psychology - MU Extension
"Pig-eyed" horses, or those with sunken eyes, see less in front and behind than others. Although they have often been classified in song and verse as being "mean," many pig-eyed horses are normal and useful.