Pin Oak? | Hearth.com Forums Home
Dec 21, 2008 · Most difference is in the growing habit and the leaf shape. As with any wood, splitting could be terrible or cake depending on many different factors. Last year i milled some Pin Oak that had super straight awesome grain, that would split if you dropped it on an axe. Besides Oak is Oak, whether it is red, black, pin, white, willow leafed, etc...
Anyone know how far pin oak will season in 6-7 months?
May 24, 2011 · Just found out I've got a good amount of wood split and intermingled in my stacks that is oak. It's split probably about 1/2 the thickness of what most here call an "oak split". It'll be seasoned in PA from April-November, so a solid 7 months of mostly 60-70+ degree weather (and of course probably 2-3 months of 80+ degrees), sunshine, and ...
Help treating Pin Oaks | Arborist, Chainsaw & Tree Work Forum
Aug 18, 2010 · Thank you very much for the prompt responses. Attached are some photos of the worse off Pin Oak that I'm looking to get treatment advice for. I don't know how clear the photos are, but they generally show the epicormic branches coming from the trunk of tree and about 6-8 completely dead limbs, all of which are on the lower level of the tree.
Pin Oak - Arborist, Chainsaw & Tree Work Forum
Nov 21, 2010 · Does pin oak wood dry faster than other oak woods do >? the reason I ask is I got ahold of some free pin oak that I had posted in an earlier thread month or so ago. no link right now sorry.. The wood had laid cut off from the stup on the ground since last November and we had a really bad drought...
Pin Oak - Arborist, Chainsaw & Tree Work Forum
Jul 5, 2009 · Pin Oak is one of my favorite woods to burn. Nice Score! 3 cords of wood was worth going after. If it was in town you didn't have to go very far off road to get it. Where I cut wood the property has a creek running through the middle of the property.
Is This Good Firewood??? - Hearth.com Forums
Jul 25, 2016 · All this "swamp oak, pin oak, piss oak" stuff is off the point. Silky oak is a completely unrelated Australian tree often planted as an ornamental. I've never handled the wood, but I see its density is given as 550–650 kg/cubic meter, compared to 570 for American elm, so pretty respectable.
Wood ID | Arborist, Chainsaw & Tree Work Forum
Apr 12, 2022 · Looks like pin oak. I have cut thousands of them. I would estimate about 20% of the wood I cut. If it isn't a pin oak, looks very much like 1 to me.I have trimmed some red oaks,the color of the wood I think was similar, but the rings I believe smaller.
Does Pin Oak make good lumber? - Arborist, Chainsaw & Tree …
Aug 23, 2009 · Pin oak is in the Red oak family. Personally if I were in your shoes it would be milled into lumber for upcoming projects. However if you are not a woodworker and cant get a decent price for it it also makes good fire wood when seasoned.
New (bad) Growth on Pin Oak tree - Arborist, Chainsaw & Tree …
Aug 18, 2010 · Rarely do wood decay fungi invade healthy, uninjured wood tissues. Following sufficient development in infected wood tissues, a process sometimes taking years, the decay fungi produce their characteristic conks on the tree's external surfaces. Control: No effective or practical control measures exist for treatment of existing heart rot or decay ...
i think i have some pin oak logs would that make good firewood
Jan 7, 2014 · If you don't want it, drop it off here. OWB likes it all, also burnt it in an indoor furnace and had no complaints. Bark looks too smooth and tight, do you have a leaf to show. Pin oak has a red oak shaped leaf but tighter to stem, deeper curve or sinus (believe it's what they call it).