Mauser C96 - Wikipedia
The Mauser C96 (Construktion 96) [12] is a semi-automatic pistol that was originally produced by German arms manufacturer Mauser from 1896 to 1937. [13] Unlicensed copies of the gun were also manufactured in Spain and China in the first half of the 20th century.
Mauser C96 - Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre
La Mauser C-96 (Construktion 96, o simplemente C96) [6] es una pistola semiautomática que fue producida originalmente por el fabricante alemán de armas Mauser de 1896 a 1937. [7] También se fabricaron copias sin licencia de la pistola en España y China en la primera mitad del siglo XX .
Mauser C96 – Wikipédia, a enciclopédia livre
A Mauser C96 ("Construção 96") [2] foi a primeira pistola semiautomática a conhecer um uso generalizado. A arma foi projectada em 1895 pelos irmãos Fidel, Friedrich e Josef Feederle, sendo fabricada na Alemanha, pela Mauser, a partir de 1896. [3]
The Mauser Models 1910 and 1914 Pistols - Revivaler
Jun 17, 2019 · Paul Mauser's vision for his new semi-automatic pistol was to create a design that could be essentially scaled up or down to suit the cartridge it was to be used for. There were versions of these pistols in 9mm Parabellum, .45 ACP, 7.65 …
Pistola Mauser C96 (Rev. 2) - Armas On-Line
Jul 14, 2011 · A Mauser C96 é uma pistola semi-automática do sistema “locked-breech”, acionada por curto recuo do cano, ou seja, sua culatra permanece trancada na ocasião do disparo, sistema que possibilita o uso de cartuchos mais potentes uma vez que o ferrolho só é liberado para abrir quando o projétil já saiu do cano e, consequentemente, a ...
Mauser Model 1914 - Wikipedia
The Mauser Model 1914 is a semi-automatic pistol made by Mauser. A derivative of the 6.35mm (.25 caliber) Model 1910 designed by Josef Nickl, it uses 7.65mm ammunition. [2] In 1934, the Model 1914 was superseded by the simpler Model 1934. Mauser 1914 pistols were used by the German police and military during both World Wars.
WW1 & WW2 Mauser Pistols for Sale. Authentic German Mauser …
Legacy Collectibles offers a variety of collectible Mauser pistols. Browse our selection of Mauser C96 Broomhandle pistols, M1910's, Mauser M1934, Mauser HSc and more! See also our HIGH POWER PISTOLS!
Brazilian PASAM Machine Pistol - Forgotten Weapons
Aug 15, 2012 · The guns are locally referred to as the PASAMs (Pistolas Automaticas e Semi-Automaticas Mauser, or Mauser Automatic and Semi-Automatic Pistols). But the Brazilians – like probably everybody else – were soon to learn that the full-auto capability of the Mausers didn’t, after all, have much effectiveness.
Pistola "Mauser": caratteristiche tecniche, prezzo, dispositivo ...
Mar 1, 2019 · Chi ha creato la fantastica pistola Mauser? Questo prodotto è stato fabbricato dalla società tedesca Gebrüder Mauser. Fu creato dai fratelli Wilhelm Mauser e Peter Paul per la produzione di armi leggere (principalmente fucili). In questo articolo parleremo dei modelli di queste meravigliose pistole fatte in Germania.
Mauser C96 Pistol, "Red 9" - National Museum of American History
Introduced in 1896, the Mauser Construktion 96 semiautomatic pistol was chambered for 7.63x25mm aummunition and featured an integral box magazine. The wooden shoulder stock doubled as a holster. Many people know it as the "broomhandle" Mauser.
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