Does platypus have a tongue - Answers
Oct 8, 2023 · When a baby platypus is hatched, it does have tiny, rudimentary teeth which fall out within a few weeks. These teeth are believed to be a throwback to the platypus's ancestors, as fossilised ...
What is the function of the bill in a Platypus? - Answers
Oct 9, 2023 · The platypus uses its bill to find food. It closes its eyes when underwater, and uses its bill to detect movements. ... Once found, the platypus uses grinding plates in its bill, rather than teeth ...
When does a platypus lose its teeth? - Answers
When a baby platypus is hatched, it has tiny, rudimentary teeth which fall out within a few weeks. These teeth are believed to be a throwback to the platypus's ancestors, as fossilised platypus ...
How do platypuses chew their food? - Answers
Inside the platypus's mouth are grinding plates, instead of teeth, with which the platypus grinds its food. Tags Platypuses Subjects. Animals ...
Does a real platypus sound like perry the platypus? - Answers
Oct 9, 2023 · The real name for the "duck billed platypus" is just platypus. The "duck billed" part of its name is a nickname which gives a false impression that its bill is like a duck's bill.Its scientific ...
Can platypus venom kill a human? - Answers
Oct 8, 2023 · The platypus does not have teeth at all. Male platypuses have a hollow spur behind their rear ankle through which they can deliver a venom powerful enough to kill a dog or cause agonising pain to ...
Is a platypus an amphibian - Answers
Oct 8, 2023 · No. The platypus is a mammal. It has fur, breathes through lungs throughout its life, and is warm-blooded. An amphibian has moist skin, not fur. It is cold-blooded, and it only breathes through ...
Is a platypus a bird - Answers
Oct 8, 2023 · A platypus is a mammal which lays eggs. It is semiaquatic, and found in eastern Australia, including the island state of Tasmania. It has a flat tail, feet with sharp claws and retractable webbing ...
Is it the male or female platypus that has poison claws?
Nov 15, 2022 · The male platypus has a venomous spur, not "poisonous claw", on each of its hind legs. Young females also have the spur, but it is not venomous and they lose it by about the age of ten months.
Is a platypus an ectotherm or endotherm? - Answers
Oct 8, 2023 · The platypus is a warm blooded, egg laying, semi aquatic, mammal which means they can generate their own body heat. Being a mammal (specifically, a monotreme), a platypus is warm blooded.