Snot Poems | Examples of Poems about Snot - PoetrySoup.com
Snot Poems - Popular examples of all types of snot poetry to share and read. View a list of new poems for SNOT by modern poets.
Famous Snot Poems | Examples of Famous Snot Poetry
PoetrySoup is a great educational poetry resource of famous snot poems. These examples illustrate what a famous snot poem looks like and its form, scheme, or style (where appropriate). See also:
Funny Poem About An Elephant, It's SNOT Funny - Family Friend Poems
It's "snot" funny being an elephant when you need to blow your nose. My trunk is long, and I have no hands as I'm sure the whole world knows. And where would I keep my tissues, as pockets I have none,
Short Snot Poems - Examples - PoetrySoup.com
Short Snot Poems. These are the most popular short Snot poems by PoetrySoup poets. Search short poems about Snot by length and keyword.
The Fly - Poetry Foundation
My peace is your disaster. For your death. And wives resort to chemistry of war. You glue yourself to death. Where you are stuck. Imbedded in the amber muck. And beat you as one beats a rat. That catch the throat with fingers of disgust. I sweep. One gyrates like a top and falls. And dies between three cannibals.
Snot Love Poems or Love Poems About Snot
Snot love poems or love poems about Snot. Read, share, and enjoy these Snot love poems!
15 Snow Poems - Winter's Wonder Poems about Snow - Family Friend Poems
Winter's Wonder: Poems About the Magic of Snowflakes. Winter has very few redeeming qualities. Many animals find that the best thing to do is simply sleep through it. Studies show that human beings sleep more during the winter months as …
Snot - a poem by NurseHayley - All Poetry
Snot, Snot glorious snot / Each time I blow I find I have a lot / My nose feels so sore now I really can't cope / With all of my hollow bits filled up with snot. Published at the web's largest poetry site.
A Poem about Snot - The Inadvertent Farmer
He sneezed in my face and blew snot on my cheek... I'm destined for sickness the rest of the week. I also must tell it went in my mouth. And from that moment on it all headed south.... So no witty banter or pictures of stuff. My eyes are all watery, my throat is all rough. My fingers are typing yet my mind is a haze...
#snot poems - Hello Poetry
Where it stays and hoovers. A stick or two. To dig and pick at his Grandkids' snot. Blow one nostril at a time To thoroughly purge the wet green slime. When we spot piles of wet kleenex. Beside last week's gum. ’Snot me! Continue reading...