Polyploid lineages in the genus Porphyra | Scientific Reports
Jun 6, 2018 · Three Porphyra species (P. dioica, P. umbilicalis, and P. linearis) were used in comparisons of ploidy levels, genome sizes and genetic differentiation using flow cytometry and 11...
Frontiers | Biogeographic Population Structure of Chimeric Blades …
Feb 23, 2022 · This study aims to understand biogeographic population structure in the two abundant Porphyra species in the Northeast Atlantic: Porphyra dioica (a dioecious annual) and Porphyra linearis (protandrous hermaphroditic winter annual), occupying distinct niches (seasonality and position on the shore).
(PDF) Polyploid lineages in the genus Porphyra - ResearchGate
Jun 6, 2018 · Three Porphyra species (P. dioica, P. umbilicalis, and P. linearis) were used in comparisons of ploidy levels, genome sizes and genetic differentiation using flow cytometry and 11...
Frontiers | Genomes Vary in Size and Spatial Patterns Within …
Mar 23, 2021 · We conclude that Porphyra species belong to an aneuploid/euploid system, where genome duplications, mixoploidy, chromosomal dynamics and the presence of different genome types in the chimeric thalli play a role in shaping the genetic diversity of these taxa.
Biogeographic Population Structure of Chimeric Blades of Porphyra …
This study aims to understand biogeographic population structure in the two abundant Porphyra species in the Northeast Atlantic: Porphyra dioica (a dioecious annual) and Porphyra linearis (protandrous hermaphroditic winter annual), occupying …
How common is polyploidy among eukaryotes? - Gene Flow
Apr 22, 2019 · “Multiple ploidy levels and genome sizes were found in Porphyra Porphyra species.” and apparently it’s not a simple polyploidy, but it’s a bit messier: “In P. linearis, genetic differentiation was found among three polyploid lineages: triploid, tetraploid and mixoploids, representing different evolutionary units.”
Polyploid lineages in the genus Porphyra - Academia.edu
Three Porphyra species (P. dioica, P. umbilicalis, and P. linearis) were used in comparisons of ploidy levels, genome sizes and genetic differentiation using flow cytometry and 11 microsatellite markers among putative polyploid lineages.
Polyploid lineages in the genus Porphyra - Semantic Scholar
Three Porphyra species (P. dioica, P. umbilicalis, and P. linearis) were used in comparisons of ploidy levels, genome sizes and genetic differentiation using flow cytometry and 11 microsatellite markers among putative polyploid lineages.
Three Porphyra species (P. dioica, P. umbilicalis , and P. linearis ) were used in comparisons of ploidy levels, ¡ ª ww putative polyploid lineages.
Cytotypes of three Porphyra species analysed in this study.
This study aims to understand biogeographic population structure in the two abundant Porphyra species in the Northeast Atlantic: Porphyra dioica (a dioecious annual) and Porphyra linearis ...
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