Home - Pouakani Trust
Pouakani Trust was established in 2000 as a Charitable Trust to receive, manage and administer the settlement proceeds for The Pouakani People
Iwi | Pouākani (Land Block) | Te Kahui Mangai - TKM
Pouākani (Land Block) The “Pouākani People” are a community with Ngāti Tūwharetoa, Ngāti Maniapoto, Ngāti Raukawa and Te Arawa affiliations and are defined as the descendants of …
Pouakani land: Complexities, sensitivities and hara as a tough
Dec 11, 2022 · The dispute centres on land at Pouakani, on the banks of the Waikato River near Mangakino, about 400km from the Wairarapa.
Deed of Settlement between the Crown and the Pouakani people
Mar 24, 1998 · The Deed of Settlement aims to compensate Pouakani for the failure of the Crown to respect Maori preferences concerning land ownership and for not ensuring Pouakani …
The association between Wairarapa Maori and the block of land known as part Pouakani has its origins in the dispute over the Wairarapa lakes during the second half of the nineteenth century.
Within 25 years of Pouakani’s lands becoming subject to these laws and the jurisdiction of the court in the mid 1880s, 95% of Pouakani’s land had been alienated, much of it against the …
Deed of Settlement between the Crown and the Pouakani people …
Sep 3, 2001 · Within 25 years of the Pouakani lands becoming subject to these laws and the jurisdiction of the Court in the mid 1880s, 95% of the Pouakani land (that is, over 40,469 …
Deed of Settlement between the Crown and the Pouakani people …
Sep 3, 2001 · The Pouakani People are a community with Ngati Tuwharetoa, Ngati Maniapoto, Ngati Raukawa and Te Arawa affiliations. Their claims centre on the 49,514 hectare Pouakani …
Pouakani Marae
At that time the land where Mangakino lies today was described as native bush and pumice wastelands, barren, unoccupied and unfarmed. In 1946, as the Karapiro Dam neared …
The Pouakani report, 1993 (Wai 33) - Collections Online
This claim was lodged by John Hanita Paki on behalf of himself, the other trustees and the beneficial owners of the Titiraupenga and Pouakani B9B Trusts on lands lying between …