ProgTV for Windows / ProgTV / Products
ProgTV have 21 days trial period for test all function. After that, you can buy it or continue to use it with restrictions. No multi channel, recording, scheduler,... but still good for simple playback of channels.
Download ProgDVB and ProgTV
ProgDVB and ProgTV requires Microsoft .NET Framework Version 4.7.2 or higher, you can download it here. Last Pre-release version of ProgDVB you can take here. Shareware versions have 21 days free trial period. Also you can use free version for test of most functions.
ProgTV for Android, iOS and Windows / Products
ProgTV - the simple but convenient and universal software for watching TV and listening to radio channels over Internet or local network. Near same interface and functions for Android, iOS and Windows version.
ProgTV Win - Free download and install on Windows | Microsoft …
ProgTV - the simple but convenient and universal software for watching TV and listening to radio channels from DVB/ATSC or over Internet or local network. Support for various types of data sources: - Satellite, Terrestrial, Cable ( DVB-S , DVB-T, DVB-C, ATSC, ISDB ).
ProgTV on the App Store
ProgTV is the most advanced player you will ever find. So many advanced options all within this app. If you take the time to learn all the functions you will never need a new player as this has everything you need plus more.
Programme TV par Télé-Loisirs, TNT, box télé et satellite
Le programme TV, les news tv et tout sur les séries et le cinéma. Consultez votre programme TV de ce soir et retrouvez l'actualité des émissions télé et séries Netflix, Amazon Prime Video,...
ProgTV Android - Apps en Google Play
ProgTv: Es una aplicación muy práctica, sencilla de usar para ver televisión y escuchar radio de manera universal atreves de internet, o en su red local. Soporte para varios tipos de fuentes...
Download of ProgTV for Android / ProgTV / Products
List of TV and radio channels which collected by ProgDVB users from open sources. You can use this link in ProgTV for first setup and test, but I don't promise working. This software uses code of FFmpeg licensed under the LGPLv2.1 and its source can be downloaded here.
ProgTV 2.27.4 / ProgTV3 3.6.1 Download Free - VideoHelp
ProgTV is the simple but convenient and universal software for watching TV and listening to radio channels over Internet or local network. Near same interface and functions for Android, iOS and Windows version.
ProgTV UWP - Free download and install on Windows | Microsoft …
ProgTV - the simple but convenient and universal software for watching TV and listening to radio channels over Internet or local network. Support for various types of data sources: - Support of one or more M3U(M3U8),XSPF channel lists. Channel logos, guide, autoupdating.
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