PvP Prot Paladin: The Guide by Gladiator Lumaca
Jul 11, 2020 · PvP Prot Paladin: The Guide by Gladiator Lumaca Protection Paladins are one of the best hybrids in PvP right now, and honestly, they’re the only true hybrid in the game. Protection can do a lot of damage, but not enough to be called a damage specialization – And they possess the ability to do a lot of healing, but not enough to be called a healer. You’ll have amazing utility to keep your ...
Will prot paladin ever be made playable in pvp in the War Within?
May 21, 2024 · I expect that everyone knows about protection paladin being absolutely unplayable in wpvp/rbg/arena/unranked pvp. I was wondering why let them even list up for pvp since it not only ruins the interest for pvp of the new player unknowingly getting destroyed and being weaker than a BM hunter’s pet while also forcing a loss on a team of 1-2-7-9 other players who play with that individual. It ...
Prot Paladin Arena/PvP Viability? : r/classicwowtbc - Reddit
Mar 9, 2021 · Deep prot paladin PVP is just not a thing. Most of your damage comes from getting hit, and people will just ignore you. It's funny to watch Rogues kill themselves attacking you, but overall not useful. I think the deepest people go into prot is to get Reckoning for PVP, but even then this might be a WotLK thing when you have more points.
Prot Pala worst spec in PvP of all classes? - Battlegrounds - World …
Sep 25, 2024 · Since DF, we’ve been the lowest rated class in terms of damage and fun to play. I still remember the good times of BC or WotLK… Today we are a shadow of our former selves. For other tank specs, the damage penalty has been removed in TWW, and for Prot Paladin?? We still have damage reduced around 50%, healing is reduced around 50%, AND at the same time incoming damage is increased by 50% ...
Protection Paladin PvP : r/classicwow - Reddit
Feb 21, 2023 · Prot paladin is garbage in PVP. The spells cost too much mana because prots are designed to get mana back via spiritual attunement. If people ignore you completely, you pretty much just go oom after a rotation. Good luck getting mana back from wisdom/divine plea. I have about 5000 mana. A single avengers shield is 1200 mana.
Prot Paladin in PvP? : r/wotlk - Reddit
Aug 21, 2022 · Prot pala in 2s is good with rsham but it loses hard vs almost every caster comps (feelsbadman). Though you will stomp melee classes easly (most of them). Prot pala in 3s can work as phs, pala/hunter/restosham and this comp can shit on almost everything and is super strong and relatively easy to play.
Prot Paladin PvP - Cataclysm Classic Discussion - World of …
Jun 2, 2021 · The Prot paladin PvP gear is spell damage and Crit which is what you want. Prot PvP isn’t effective in TBC like it is in WotLK but if you really want to play it, you’d focus on that spell damage to return damage against melee attacks and …
Prot PvP: Lightsmith v Templar - Paladin - World of Warcraft Forums
Nov 12, 2024 · Why are so many Top Prot PvPers (but not all) Lightsmith? In timed target dummy tests (Dornogal gates), I get more damage from Templar, and better burst.
Are Prot Paladins strong in PvP? : r/classicwow - Reddit
Without knowing what future patches/runes will hold, prot doesn’t look good for PvP right now. Prot pallies in Wrath were decent, but the SoD prots are currently lacking a lot of those tools. Avenger’s Shield currently does NOT silence. There’s also no glyph to make it deal double damage in exchange for hitting a single target.
Prot/ProtRet Pally PVP : r/classicwow - Reddit
Apr 10, 2019 · Yes, Prot has its benefits. As you said, more survivability. I wouldn't argue more steady damage however: the additional damage Prot brings is best suited in an AoE situation where you can tank multiple mobs that beat themselves to death with reflects from effects like shield spikes, ret aura, holy shield and blessing of sanctuary, while maintaining a consecrated ground beneath you.